A simple phenomenological model is proposed to describe the elastic-plastic deformation of two-phase particle composites.
The spinning process of splitting V type belt wheel involves movement of multi-body and couple of elastic-plastic deformation.
A whole process of finite elastic-plastic deformation is divided into many sub-processes of small elastic-plastic deformation.
Both shot peening and contact rolling belong to the cyclic elastic-plastic deformation process under the action of Hertz stress.
The respective linear and nonlinear model parameters are determined according to these isochrones' elastic-plastic deformation segment.
The traditional " elastic-plastic deformation equation has a good response without any delay, but it can not meet the requirement due to its poor absolute accuracy ."
The elastic-plastic deformation of the vessel shell is taken into account in the model to suit for the crack problem of the vessel shell in the plastic deformation range.
This paper analyzes the pile-soil interaction adjacent to superficial surcharge, the pile is modeled simple elastic foundation beam, soil to be elastic-plastic deformation body.
There is sudden change of slope in the stress-strain curve, because the core response in loading and unloading is entirely elastic, while the aluminum undergoes elastic-plastic deformation.
Based on the theory of elastic-plastic deformation, according to the finite element method, this paper presents a nonlinear analysis of the distribution of the soil pressure of the ditch conduit.
The sliding contacts of gradient layers, sandwich layers and ordinary multi-layers coatings subjected to the same surface load have been investigated under elastic-plastic deformation in this paper.
Physics-based simulation of elastic-plastic deformation using physics theorem in the real world can perfectly reproduce the real movement and realistic deformation of virtual objects in virtual space.
The total deformation of soils consists of three parts: elastic strain, plastic strain related to volumetric yielding mechanism and plastic strain related to shear yielding mechanism.
The paper has studied straightening stress and residual deformation of circular shaft by using elastic - plastic theory, deueloped calculation formula of straightening loud in given deflection error.
With the dynamic explicit elastic plastic finite element method, the unsteady deformation of the bite stage in slab rolling was simulated.
This technology keeps the casing in an elastic state in the whole thermal recovery process without plastic deformation taking place, and thus resolves the problem of thermal casing failure.
We also analyse the critical velocity, at which elastic deformation translate to plastic deformation when the bullet impact the tube.
As the material is deformed beyond the strain that elastic deformation persists, the stress is no longer proportional to strain, and permanent, nonrecoverable, or plastic deformation occurs.
Fracture surface consists of plastic yield deformation area and elastic deformation area.
Because of the excellent hardness and elastic module of diamond, it is difficult to get plastic deformation when sintering.
Being forced by the nonlinear dynamic thermal stress, slices of the subway's brake resistor generated large elastic plastic deformation.
We found: the samples experience elastic and plastic deformation processes before fracture, and the elastic strain is very large, it is about 2%.
The analysis and contrast of deformation pattern, state of stress, plastic deformation history, plastic limit load and limit load of elastic buckling are analyzed and contrasted.
Whole weldment includes practically elastic deformation zone, compressive plastic deformation zone, tensile plastic deformation zone and melting pool.
Establish finite element model, and use elastic - plastic mechanics to discuss stress-stain state of elastic and plastic deformation in cutting zone.
It is shown that the hourglass modes can be controlled in the computation of large elastic plastic deformation by introducing the hourglass strains and the corresponding stresses.
Thermal-elastic-plastic and inherent strains FE methods are two means, which have been applied to the prediction of welding deformation.
Thermal-elastic-plastic and inherent strains FE methods are two means, which have been applied to the prediction of welding deformation.