The three-fifths formula handed Jefferson his narrow victory in the presidential election of 1800 by inflating the votes of the southern states in the Electoral College.
Several states in the north-east and Midwest have lost population, and will probably lose seats in the House of Representatives (and electoral-college votes) to states in the South.
This was not a direct test of popular sentiment: the senatorial electoral college is made up mainly of local and regional councillors, and the Socialists have won many local elections in recent years.
Though his liberal stance won the electoral college, Patriarch Daniel will still have much to do to shore up his church against its critics.
The decennial census is the basis on which federal money is disbursed and seats in the House of Representatives, and consequently Electoral College votes, are allocated.
Each state has as many votes in the Electoral College as it has members in Congress.
America's Allies would rally to him: the global electoral college on our website shows a landslide in his favour.
In most election years, the Electoral College votes are a routine part of the process. The people who vote usually follow the popular vote in their state.
He said the Electoral College should delay its vote until its members can receive information from the Central Intelligence Agency about Russia's effect on the election.
The electors are members of the Electoral College.
The Electoral College serves as a formality and usually receives little attention.
And, the more people a state has, the more votes it gets in the Electoral College.
So, as a compromise, the founders created a system they called the Electoral College.
Meanwhile, an online petition that has been set up to demand that the Electoral College vote in favour of Hillary Clinton has gathered three million signatures, the Express. Co. UK reported.
I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified11 next Monday in the Electoral College.
True, this time the electoral college swelled to 130,000, or 12% of the citizenry, from just 7,000 anointed voters in 2007.
The electoral college is to rule on June 3rd, but few expect the stalemate to be broken.
Many people who favor a change in the nature of the Electoral College urge that the votes be awarded proportionately.
Many people who favor a change in the nature of the Electoral College urge that the votes be awarded proportionately.