We should prevent our children from electric shock especially when they are not capable of taking good care of themselves.
When the first chimpanzee hits the lever, the second chimpanzee gets a painful electric shock, putting the first chimpanzee in a horrible dilemma.
Schoolboy John Doyle suffered a 25,000-volt electric shock and lived.
In an interview, he said he had endured 54 electric-shock treatments, was repeatedly roped to his bed and was routinely injected with drugs powerful enough to make him swoon.
when I lived in Canada and took training in the Health Care field, I saw a video on how in those earlier days electric shock treatments were applied.
If you have sciatica, this will be very painful, marked by a burning sensation or a feeling of electric shock down your leg or in your upper back.
The danger cue was a large circle accompanied by a “highly uncomfortable but not painful” electric shock to the wrist.
To test their method, they conditioned these mice, as well as a control group, to fear a sound by pairing it with an electric shock.
Now, when the first chimpanzee hits the lever the second chimpanzee gets a painful electric shock, putting the first chimpanzee in a horrible dilemma.
Two rats from a cage they both come from different cages and one of those cages, one of the rats was given an electric shock every time a sound was made.
Asked whether electric shock therapy would be used, the employee said it should be called "pulse therapy" and was only used in special circumstances.
All players "lost" the first round and experienced a mild electric shock themselves, presumably administered by the other player.
"They had no memory of the pain of the electric shock, even when the pain had occurred just moments before," Hare said.
For years, a treatment called electroconvulsive therapy (ect) also known as "electric shock treatment" has been used to induce seizures in anesthetized patients for therapeutic results.
A notice on the health ministry's website said that the safety of the electric shock technology was not clear, so use of the therapy should be stopped.
He teaches them to move around a small chamber to avoid a mild electric shock to their feet.
When the researchers applied an electric shock to the rats' feet in the presence of the food, the rats in the first two groups were frightened away from eating.
Roger Clem and Richard Huganir of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine made the discovery while studying mice conditioned to associate a particular sound with an electric shock.
If they lingered too long over the pictures of the men, and did not move on swiftly enough to the pictures of the women, they received an electric shock.
George McGovern's already troubled campaign in 1972 imploded when it turned out that his first choice for VP, Thomas Eagleton, had been given electric-shock therapy.
As soon as they were close to a sheep or a peasant from the nearby village they were given an electric shock and ran away.
They put the animals in a room where they got a mild electric shock if they walked over one section of the floor.
Although air conditioning electric shock is rare, but rare does not mean no, so people on this problem is more important, can not ignore it.
This paper Points out possibility of electric shock due to low - temperature Hot Water Floor Radiant Heating Applied in Toilet, the reason is analysed and solution is also presented.
Product operators in these circumstances must be trained to protect themselves from the risk of electric shock.
Dawn of awakening is night nightmare to end, the splendor of the sun and stars and sublimation, is brave seeker sky started! You love is a warm spring, flowers after rain and electric shock feeling!
At the sound, Armand recoiled as though from an electric shock, and he grasped my hand with such strength that he hurt me.
One study using brain scans found that when married women were told they were about to receive an electric shock, just holding their husbands' hands minimized their brains' response to the threat.
Researchers found that giving the vegetables an electric shock makes them more nutritious by generating more antioxidants, which have been shown to combat heart disease and cancer.
Researchers found that giving the vegetables an electric shock makes them more nutritious by generating more antioxidants, which have been shown to combat heart disease and cancer.