Instead of typing his columns with an electric typewriter, which he'd done for 25 years, my grandfather had to learn to type on a computer... and save it, and pull it up from a directory.
And how can I believe in God when just last week I got my tongue caught in the roller of an electric typewriter?
And the novelist Wright Morris, urging me to get an electric typewriter, said that he seldom turned his machine off.
An electric typewriter has an electric motor which takes some of the hard work out of typing for you by making the key pressure stronger.
Strike-on composition: Typesetting with an electric typewriter. Also called Impact composition. Typewriter composition.
This turned the personal computer into a useful business tool, not just a game machine or replacement for the electric typewriter.
I use an electric typewriter that I paid a hundred and twenty nine dollars for six years ago.
I use an electric typewriter that I paid a hundred and twenty nine dollars for six years ago.