In this paper, a test method for the delayed arming circuit of the electric ignition fuze is introduced.
A new method is provided to confirm the safety and reliability of the electric ignition system in electromagnetic environment.
Both three kind of single and two parallel connecting water-activated battery may rapidly and reliably fire common electric ignition head.
A battery provides the electric power to operate the starting motor and the ignition system during cranking.
Alternator: Source of direct electric current in modern vehicles for ignition, lights, fans, and other USES.
It is found that the instable start (ignition) voltage is related to the structure and the size of electrode as well as to the physical property of liquid electric inductivity.
Using the high voltage between the two electrodes to breakdown of gas layer, thus generating an electric arc ignition devices.
In order to initiate the LP without arc formation, effects and coupling of electric pulse characteristics, ignition configuration parameters on LP ignition property are investigated.
Thermal ignition temperature was defined, the thermal ignition process of electric hot wire initiating devices was divided as calefactive phase and explosion phase.
Experimental results show, the ignition and combustion process of propellant can be effectively modulated by controlling the electric discharge behavior of pulsed power supply.
The performance characteristics of the electric devices for starting motor, ignition system, automatic protector and power supply generator are described respectively.
The ignition of combustible gas stream by electric spark discharge was considered both theoretically and experimentally.
The electric fire ignition source was often burnt out, some Suggestions on how to improve the condition were given.
The reasons of frequently pressure ring ignition loss are analysed of 25mva electric furnace, and the structure is improved, the applied result is very well.
The ignition system provides high-voltage electric sparks that ignite, or set fire to, the charges of air-fuel mixture in the engine combustion Chambers.
Automatic control has been used in the ignition of electric arc, welding wire-feed, movement of arc along welding direction, receiving arc of welding, etc.
The non electric blast ignition network is used widely in the practice of blasting engineering.
No. 2. Electric Parts of Motorcycles: magneto, starter motor, Ignition Coil, magneto of other engine, alternator.
No. 2. Electric Parts of Motorcycles: magneto, starter motor, Ignition Coil, magneto of other engine, alternator.