He didn't stop there-edison went on to design an electric power distribution system that would make the use of light bulbs practical and profitable.
A continuous attribute discretization of the electric power distribution system is put forward based on the breakpoint importance, which is proved effectively.
Abstract: : the substation is in power system voltage conversion, accept and electric power distribution, control and adjustment to the current voltage power facilities.
Distribution power system is at the end of the whole power system, it is connected directly to the users, so it is a very important tache to supply and distribute electric power to the users.
Distribution transformer is important electric power equipment in the distribution network, whose operation data is important in electric power system automation.
The sea platform electric power distribution automated system basic structure is: In the structure USES two level control, three networks ways, safe reliable, advanced are easy to expand.
The full integrated electric propulsion using gas turbine, diesel engine and the like for the new aircraft carrier is a flexible power distribution and advanced propulsion system.
The onsite electric power system consists of the main generator, the unit station transformers, the common station service transformer, the diesel generators and the electric distribution system.
The wire and electric cable's choice is one of for in electrical power distribution system design primary coverages.
The onsite electric power system is divided into vital and non-vital distribution.
The paper introduces technical system, network topology, route protocol, distribution and network performance in designing electric power dispatch data network.
The Marine distribution equipment is an important component of the Marine power system, which mainly distributes electric energy, and monitor, control and protect electric equipment.
The electric power network is the part of the electric power system but the generators and the consumers; induding substations, transmission lines, and distribution networks.
Urban medium-voltage distribution network, one of the most important parts of power system, is expected to distribute electric energy to consumers with considerable security and reliability.
We focus on wide range service such as design, produce and sell of boat main switchboard, ESB, monitoring system, sailing light board, power distribution switchboard, as well as yacht electric system.
Electric power system is composed of electric power generation, power transmission, power transformation, power distribution, power utilization, and etc.
The alarm management of electric power SDH transmission network requires alarm information distribution system with high reliability and stronger real-time.
A method is put forward for evaluating the economical benefits of amorphous alloy distribution transformer by considering the regional electric system as a unity and the power demands of consumers.
Electric distribution automatic system is given more attention as the major aspect of the electric power system automatic project.
This series of distribution box can be used as lighting power and electric motor controlling to avoid the overloading, electricity leaking, short-circuit of circuit system.
In the industrial power distribution system simulated and via RS-485 bus, the prototype realizes the control of general electric equipments, such as the three-phase motor, the fan, and so on.
样机实现了在模拟工业配电环境中通过RS- 485接口控制三相电机、风扇等常用电器设备。
Power System Processor (PSP) and Electric Load Manage Center (ELMC) are the important contents of research of the power distribution for more electric airplanes .
So it is very necessary and urgent to set up a electric power distribution network management system.
Distribution transformer is important electric power equipment in the distribution network, which operation data is important in electric power system automation.
The power distribution system for more electric airplanes is a mixed-mode power system, which applies a new technology called Electrical Multiplexing.
It's used to protect the installations of DC power distribution system and electric equipments against overload and short circuit as well as for conversion of frequent operation of circuit.
It's used to protect the installations of DC power distribution system and electric equipments against overload and short circuit as well as for conversion of frequent operation of circuit.