The sensors in the electrodes are very sensitive and catch the electrical activity that takes place in the brain.
In fact, various emotional states give rise to certain patterns of electrical activity in the facial muscles and in the brain.
This measures the electrical activity of the wearer's brain, in much the same way as some machines used for medical and research proposes, and communicates wirelessly with a clock unit near the bed.
Researchers also tested the electrical activity of single intestinal sensory nerve cells.
Three decades later, another team recorded electrical activity in deltoid muscles as people walked.
This is possible using algorithms that filter out interference caused by external electrical activity.
Show the brain a virtual image and its neurons flicker with electrical activity as the image is processed.
It could also benefit amputees, who often have residual electrical activity in the muscle at the amputation site.
A stereotaxic apparatus is used to insert the probes that record electrical activity deep within the brain cortex.
Mr. Oschler has even wired his robot to a headset that picks up the subtle electrical activity produced by his brain.
One way is by implanting electrodes into the brain to measure the electrical activity associated with certain movements.
Research has shown that a brain implant that can record brain electrical activity directly can control a prosthetic device.
The chemical process that triggers tiny charges in the membranes of neurons causes much of the brain's electrical activity.
To find out, the researchers used drugs to increase and decrease the electrical activity in nerve cells of frog embryos.
An ECG (electrocardiogram) is a test that measures electrical activity in the heart, and is used to identify heart problems.
A test of the brain's electrical activity shows that women commonly use both sides of their brain while men rely more on one.
His team is experimenting with the use of many sensors in combination to produce pictures of electrical activity in the heart.
Writing in the Lancet medical journal they describe how they measured electrical activity in the brain to detect consciousness.
After a time the electrical activity again increases and is accompanied by rapid eye movements and deep relaxation of your muscles.
The production of some proteins increases while others are throttled back; these changes affect the flow of blood and electrical activity.
This potassium ion channel gene is the second such gene found by the group to cause abnormal electrical activity leading to death in epilepsy.
These kids tend to have parents who have a history of depression and we're seeing some abnormalities in electrical activity when we take EEGs.
Neuroscientists have long known of the existence of brain waves - rhythmic fluctuations of electrical activity believed to reflect the brain's state.
Other researchers did not examine brain tissue. Instead, they measured the brain's electrical activity and made a map of the electrical signals.
Electrodes measuring the brain's electrical activity also confirmed a reduced response to the pain when the subject looked at beautiful paintings.
Networks of brain cells alternate between periods of calm and periods of instability - "avalanches" of electrical activity that cascade through the neurons.
Graybiel's lab has previously shown that patterns of electrical activity in a part of the brain known as the basal ganglia are critical for habit formation.
This works by deploying an array ofelectrodes over a person's scalp and recording surface manifestationsof the electrical activity going on under his skull.
This works by deploying an array ofelectrodes over a person's scalp and recording surface manifestationsof the electrical activity going on under his skull.