The invention relates to an electrical machine with an internally cooled rotor.
The axial - gap reluctance machine is a powerful electrical machine with pulsing excitation.
The present invention provides an improved single-layer coil 10 for a rotating or linear electrical machine.
Electrical machine can be used to turn the body to do a passive training for the inferiors in body functions.
Hangzhou Xizi pump Co., Ltd is specialized in the manufacturing of various kinds of pump and electrical machine.
NdFeB Permanent magnet materials has superior magnetism, so it is widely found application in electrical machine.
They are the same with the inner fixed wires for headlamp, home appliance, mechanical and electrical machine, etc.
The design concept and developing software method are also available to high power electrical machine test system.
In this paper, an experiment teaching device controlled by microcomputer for electrical machine test was introduced.
The vibration and noise of electrical machine is the important symbol for evaluating the electrical machinery quality.
A new knowledge representation method in electrical machine design based on artificial neural net - works is presented.
Some new types of control circuits of high speed electromagnetic clutch used in electrical machine are designed in this paper.
Use optimization module of ANSYS, to optimize rigidity and volume of the cylinder type shell of electrical machine of submarine.
The successful application to electrical machine design demonstrates that GCCD is a better way to solve the mixed discrete problems.
Calculation of the stator modal frequencies of an electrical machine accurately is the base of reducing acoustic noise and vibration.
This paper presents a type of special electrical machine with the electromechanical integration_per-manent magnet sector-stator motor.
According to electrical machine designing feature, the thesis puts forth a structure of nerve network expert system for intelligent CAD.
In this paper, a real time system to monitor and control the rotor temperature of large electrical machine with IR detector is introduced.
When fixing the electrical machine , worker should be careful of the order of wires. Make sure the circumrotate direction as same as mark.
The under electrical machine and leading cable head used in oilfields were of poor quality, which has greatly influenced the operation of the unit.
The new idea overcomes the defects in traditional method and is easily understood by the learners especially the apprentices of electrical machine design.
The power supply of high speed electrical machine is high-frequency voltage and the loss of electrical machine density is great and heat dissipation is difficult.
Accurate calculation of the stator natural frequencies and harmonic response of an electrical machine is essential to the prediction of acoustic noise and vibration.
Be specialized to depainting for transformer and electrical machine etc, and the different stripper can be chose according to the heat resistance level and wire material.
The paper introduces a type of the turn-to-turn insulation test equipment including an impulse-voltage generator and a peak voltmeter for the electrical machine pole coil.
This paper aims to discuss the fundamental theory about reliability of rotation shaft, as an example, the fatigue strength of electrical machine shaft has been calculated.
The expression form of rules in existing electrical machine design is not easy to read or use, which affects the utilization of knowledge and maintenance of knowledge-base.
The principle of electromechanical energy conversion is the basic principle of electromechanical energy converter and an important tool for rotating electrical machine analysis.
The principle of electromechanical energy conversion is the basic principle of electromechanical energy converter and an important tool for rotating electrical machine analysis.