A new method on direct electrolysis recovery of gold from loaded-metal organic phase with electrolyte aqueous solution together was reported.
The degradation of Fuchsin acid in aqueous solution by contact glow discharge electrolysis is investigated.
Calcium gluconate and fructose were produced from sucrose by the processes of hydrolysis of sucrose, electrolysis of the aqueous solution and purification etc.
A divided flow cell is used for electrolysis of NaBr aqueous solution. The anolyte containing Br 2 and catholyte containing NaOH are produced simultaneously and in turn to epoxide HFP to HFPO.
A divided flow cell is used for electrolysis of NaBr aqueous solution. The anolyte containing Br 2 and catholyte containing NaOH are produced simultaneously and in turn to epoxide HFP to HFPO.