The present invention relates to an inside lining of aluminium electrolytic bath and its manufacturing method.
The energy consumption rate of aluminum electrolytic bath is related with the average voltages and current efficiency.
This method combines the electrochemical oxidation with a high voltage spark treatment in an aqueous electrolytic bath.
Causes of the stray current corrosion in inlet and outlet of the electrolytic bath were analyzed to put forward a solution.
This device is composed of membrane electrolytic bath, salt dissolving chamber, water surface equibrium bath, sodium hypochlorite producing bath, etc.
The invention discloses an electrolytic bath for reducing the thickness of the metal layer of a base plate. The electrolytic bath comprises electrolyte and at least a pair of anode and cathode.
As the part of application research of the thesis, an advanced control system combined with optimization, GPC and feedforward is designed for the project of ion exchange membrane electrolytic bath.
Using the wasted cyanic copper-plating bath and electrolytic tank of new type designed by ourselves, to approach varieties of factors influencing upon the effect of de-cyaniding.
A cyanide tin - copper plating process was optimized by means of orthogonal test. The effect of bath components of electrolytic solutions and electrodeposits was investigated.
A cyanide tin - copper plating process was optimized by means of orthogonal test. The effect of bath components of electrolytic solutions and electrodeposits was investigated.