The centimeter - gram - second electromagnetic unit of inductance, equal to one billionth a Henry.
ASIP is a signals intelligence sensor payload developed by Northrop Grumman Mission Systems sector's Electromagnetic Systems Laboratory business unit for use on both the U-2 and Global Hawk.
ASIP是一个用于U - 2侦察机和“全球鹰”无人机的信号情报传感器载荷,由诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司任务系统分部的电磁系统实验室商业部门开发。
The frequency changing start up process of generating unit actually is a synchronous driving process under the action of electromagnetic moment of the stator and rotor of motor.
The increment of unit capacity added the complexity of turbo-generator and the force of electromagnetic load, and various physical phenomenon became more and more complex.
In order to simplify the MWECR CVD system using multiple electromagnetic coils, the new magnetic fields generated by assembling a electromagnetic coils and a permanent magnet unit are presented.
为了简化多电磁线圈m WECR -CVD装置,提出将单个电磁线圈和一个永磁体单元组合,以形成所需的新型磁场。
This infrared telemetry system can be used in the environment with high electromagnetic interference, such as the operating room with electrosurgical unit and become an important monitor device.
The invention provides a coil unit of electromagnetic contactor and assembling method thereof.
In the numerical analysis of axially symmetry electromagnetic field, the finite element method using ring unit with rectangular cross-section has more advantages than other methods.
The electromagnetic magnetic maglev force can be regulated to reasonably arrange the weight of the hydraulic turbine generator unit.
The center buckle featured an audio enhancement unit built into the electromagnetic clasp.
The unbalanced electromagnetic force is one of the important factors to influence safe and steady running of a hydrogenerator unit.
The antenna element has a ridge element unit (21) for adjusting antenna characteristic corresponding to a ridge portion and a radial element unit (22) for electromagnetic wave radiation.
To provide an electromagnetic induction RFID tag used together with an article including a metal, and to provide its access unit.
To provide an electromagnetic induction RFID tag used together with an article including a metal, and to provide its access unit.