The companies include some of the heavyweights of the industry, like Electronic Arts Productions, Insomniac Games, Activision and Disney.
PHS Bureau of Radiological Health transferred to FDA. Its mission: protection against unnecessary human exposure to radiation from electronic products in the home, industry, and the healing arts.
Feng Jiangzhou is an unique artist in Chinese Contemporary Art.Besides visual arts, his works are involved in electronic sound, videos, mechanical installations, etc.
Electronic Arts (ea), a giant American video-games publisher, is preparing to release "Battlefield Heroes" (pictured), an online combat game with a slapstick sense of humour.
Electronic Arts is no doubt hoping that Medal of Honor will make it a lot of money.
A downward trend in sales is also evident for the computer games made by Electronic Arts, which have sold a total of $427m in America, according to NPD, a market-research company.
And publishers like Electronic Arts and Take-Two Interactive are leaving all of that potential money on the table.
“There's certainly increased competition between the hand- held platforms and the mobile devices,” John Schappert, chief operating officer of Electronic Arts Inc. , said in an interview.
EA公司.首席执行官John Schapper在一次访问中谈到:“手持平台设备与移动设备的竞争必将日益激烈。
But now it appears that top game publishers like Electronic Arts will release most of their biggest games for both the Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3.
但是,现在,似乎像Electronic Arts这样的顶级游戏发行商把大部分的大游戏的控制台程序让渡给了Xbox360和索尼playstation 3自己做。
Though that figure counts a user for each type of game he plays, it makes Zynga about four times larger than its nearest rival, Electronic Arts.
The event allowed 36 Bay Area employers, including eBay, Electronic Arts, and the San Francisco Fed, to meet top MBA talent without having to incur the expense of traveling to each campus.
That may sound like the opposite of fun, but he's created some hugely popular franchises - the Sims alone has sold more than 100 million copies for publisher Electronic Arts.
Games unveiled at E3 include an Electronic Arts "Brutal Legend" title, in which heavy metal rock band members wielding guitars and chords as weapons battle demons in a hellish landscape.
The Apple devices can tap into thousands of videogames available for download at its App Store including popular titles like Electronic Arts inc. 's Madden football game.
苹果游戏机还可以从苹果网上商店App Store下载数千款游戏,包括大受欢迎的电子艺界(Electronic ArtsInc .)的Madden橄榄球游戏。
“The iPhone was a harbinger, ” said Trip Hawkins, a founder of Electronic Arts and now chief executive of Digital Chocolate, which makes games for cellphones.
艺电创始人之一、现任从事手机游戏开发制作的数码巧克力公司行政总裁的Trip Hawkins说,“iPhone是一个先行者。
Ever since Nintendo launched the Wii, gamers have been interacting with characters and working out with virtual trainers in titles like Electronic Arts' "EA Sports Active" or Ubisoft's "Your Shape."
Gerhard Florin of Electronic Arts, the world's biggest games publisher, imagines a distribution model that combines disks with downloads.
全球最大的游戏出版公司美国艺电(Electronic Arts, EA)的GerhardFlorin设想了一种光碟和下载相结合的游戏出版模式。
In December alone, Sony, Toyota, Electrolux, HBOS, Kodak, RIM and Electronic Arts all cut their profits forecasts.
The industry’s two giants, Electronic Arts (EA) and Activision Blizzard, announced losses of $310m and $108m respectively in the most recent quarter.
When Electronic Arts launched The Sims on Feb. 4, 2000, nobody knew if it would sell.
In 2008, Electronic Arts released NCAA Basketball 09 with UCLA star Kevin Love on the cover.
Meanwhile, traditional videogame powerhouses like Electronic Arts and Nintendo have seen revenues stagnate and fall.
与此同时,美国艺电(Electronic Arts)和日本任天堂等传统的视频游戏开发商的营收,则处于停滞和下滑窘境。
Zynga hired away Electronic Arts VP Jeff Karp, who will serveat the social gaming startup as Chief Marketing and Revenue Officer. (TechCrunch)
社交游戏公司Zynga聘用了电子艺界(Electronic Arts)的副总裁杰夫•卡普,他将担任这家社交网络游戏创业公司的首席营销官和首席营收官。
Electronic Arts developed a nice version of Scrabble for iGoogle and the NPR gadget allows you to share news stories with your friends.
EA专门开发了一款iGoogle版s crabble。而NPR允许你和好友分享新闻故事。
The number one destination for fans of Electronic Arts, the world's leading interactive entertainment software company.
In 2008, the hit life simulation computer game Spore was published by Electronic Arts Video Games.
In 2008, the hit life simulation computer game Spore was published by Electronic Arts Video Games.