Electronic music is a great choice for those who don't like classical.
He established the first electronic music studio in 1966.
When it does, electronic music comes from the television speaker.
I was doing electronic music in tandem with working with the band around '85.
Modern acceptance of electronic music hardly comes as a surprise to Parag Chordia.
This is Eminem singing career in the sixth board of electronic music download charts.
Forward-thinking stuff that fuses hip hop, electronic music, and reggae with more traditional sounds.
Okay Africa网站的管理人,Ginnysuss说:“有远见的想法是把嘻哈音乐、电子音乐以及带有诸多传统格调的瑞格音乐融为一体的东西。”
I was not expecting electronic music to sound good on the W1000 but I must say I'm positively surprised.
But it was his collaboration with music engineer David Cockerell that helped revolutionise electronic music.
From the use of Auto-Tuned pop music to such popular subgenres as dubstep, electronic music seems to be everywhere.
Electronic organ is a modern electronic music technology and the product is a new type of keyboard instruments.
By the end of the 60s, Cary joined forces with Zinovieff and Cockerell to establish EMS (Electronic Music Studios).
60年代末期,凯瑞与季诺维也夫和考克柔一起建立了EMS (电子音乐工作室)。
Computer technology has evolved tremendously over the past few decades, and electronic music has definitely followed suit.
At the moment he is a Resident DJ at "Babyface" and "Plush Bar" in Shenzhen for the real electronic music experience.
These are hooked to a receiver, an amplifier, speakers, a mixer and various other pieces of electronic music equipment.
Since 2007, he's been a lector at Center for Electronic Music of China of CCOM, instructing composing and basic theories.
But millions of people, rolling about on fake fur pillows or waving glowsticks to electronic music, attest to feeling good.
This great festival showcases electronic music, atypical international performers, contemporary rock music and local ACTS.
This is a natural progression from our Electronic music course. New students will already need to have some experience producing music.
The assistant professor at Georgia Tech Center for music Technology compares the story of electronic music to the history of the piano.
All you need to do is to buy a ticket and bring in happy feeling to dance with other electronic music fancier and share the joy together.
Why have we come to accept electronic music, then? Why did we oppose it and what sort of technologically enhanced music awaits us in the future?
Devine himself has released five albums of electronic music since 1995, and in that time has heard electronic music become the mainstream culture.
Electronic music is becoming an important tendency to permeate into every field in social society with its charming and interactive position.
Since 2003, he started to compose electronic music, and worked on soundtracks for experimental films and animations. He now resides in Beijing.
Electronic music has begun to bridge the gap between diverse groups, breaking through all of society's barriers: race, gender, age, and culture.
As the bell has a wonderful blend of electronic music, low price and low power consumption advantages of modern household more and more popular.
As the bell has a wonderful blend of electronic music, low price and low power consumption advantages of modern household more and more popular.