This paper has put forward the idea of transfer tests in electronic cash system in applying restrictive blind signature, which can reduce users calculations.
An ICD document describes data stream characteristics of the electronic integrated system. To achieve an integrated avionics system, complete and real time transfer of data is an important factor.
From an application system, this paper analyzes the privacy and authenticity of a security protocol in the electronic fund transfer system with a formal proof method.
It is presented that one of the most important energy relaxation processes is the electron-phonon interaction, which determines the energy transfer from electronic carrier system to the lattice.
The transfer characteristics of the flexible and variable structure cables and cabin system used in LT mechanical, electronic and optic integrated design is studied.
Electronic funds transfer at point of sale eft - pos. conceptual framework. guide to eft - pos system description.
According to a transfer approach of music score and PLC program, an auto-play system of electronic organ based on PLC was designed.
Electronic funds transfer at point of sale eft - pos. conceptual framework. guide to eft - pos system description.
Electronic funds transfer at point of sale eft - pos. conceptual framework. guide to eft - pos system description.