An element of a set that when added to any other element in the set produces a sum identical with the element to which it is added.
A rule of correspondence established between sets that associates each element of a set with an element in the same or another set.
Peacock feathers should never be brought on stage, either as a costume element, prop or part of a set as chaos will ensue.
Because we've set the point scale to provide with a maximum score of 100 for each element, what we really have is a percentage score.
Each record from the SQL result set is represented as a element, and individual fields of each record are nested within each corresponding.
This element allows the programmer to take a set of nodes, group it by some criteria, and then process each group formed by that selection process.
The RUP-SE framework is one element of a comprehensive set of systems development lifecycle management principles, best practices, methods, and tools.
Superstition: Peacock Feathers should never be brought on stage, either as a costume element, prop or part of a set as chaos will ensue.
Direct simulation of a process of interest, rather than the integration of a set of underlying evolution equations, is an indispensable element in the study of complex systems.
When you first construct an XML model for an information set, it's often useful to define the information set as a collection of elements and refine the element structure with attributes.
Often, however, it's necessary to refer to an element by a different set of characteristics when searching or filtering.
A key element in the data model is the set of statistics gathered about the data contained in the database and stored in the system catalog tables.
As stated earlier, capacity planning is an important element here and will dictate the number of physical devices that are required for a set of workloads.
If you want to navigate to the actual element filtered out by a working set, and there is no corresponding imported element in context, you will get a message that notifies you of this.
Create another module to declare a set of mapping attributes for the new elements that point to the generic element types that they specialize.
This is a framework of types and properties that provides a set of rules to which the data must conform and a means of accessing a data element by describing its path from another data element.
An XML schema can define the structure, the element and attributes, their data types, value ranges, etc. that are allowed in a set of XML documents.
For example, the XAUST XML compressor converts the schema information of the DTD into a set of deterministic finite automata (DFA), one for each element in the DTD.
The upshot is a set of feature maps, one for each filter, showing which patches of the original image contain the sought-after element.
Spu_insert (5, myvec, 0) returns a copy of the vector myvec with the first element (element 0) of the new vector set to 5.
spu_insert (5,myvec,0)返回一个向量myvec的拷贝,这个新向量的第一个元素(元素0)被设置为5。
If you highlight a diagram element from a UML diagram, you can see and set the properties of a diagram element from the properties view (Figure 5).
The next element is named and represents an XQuery expression for retrieving a set of XML documents from the database that match particular criteria.
The foreach statement, instead of setting domain attribute values from a SQL result set, stuffs the string TODO: set from SQL result into each element of the array of field values.
foreach语句,不是设置来自sql结果集的域属性值,而是将字符串TODO:setfrom sqlresult填塞到字段值数组的每个元素。
Because of the richness of each data element, XML transformations of this XML Schema can rely on a rich set of metadata in each XML Schema to build precise forms.
The element contains one or more elements, each of which is actually a set of operations that you want to expose.
The input JiBX binding treats the child elements as an unordered set, calling a set-method specific to the type of element each time a child element is unmarshalled.
While the parameter names are self explanatory, a complete set of parameter (Parm element) definitions are available in the IBM SCORE V6.1.1.2 readme.
Because the space character separates the elements of a set, the ice cream element needs double quotes around the name (instead of the less attractive icecream, for example).
Here, it allows you to define more expressive notions than strict equality (testing the presence of an element in a set, for instance).
You could easily create a set of statements or parameters that deal exclusively with the accessibility element, modifying your charts to display accordingly.