It's not about making money for this former elementary school teacher.
She taught as an elementary school teacher for many years in both New Mexico and California.
"We have concentrated too much on teaching the kids how to take these tests," commented one elementary school teacher.
I believe that if my father had not been imprisoned, my mom would have been qualified to be an elementary school teacher.
Children's Day in New York state is presented every year by this retired elementary school teacher of the Syracuse City school District.
Whether it be a shoe designer, doctor, lawyer, politician, or elementary school teacher, they need an example outside of entertainers and athletes.
Jon Scieszka, previously an elementary school teacher and now a bestselling children's book author with over 25 titles, has been given a title of his own.
"This kind of life might look charming to tourists, but it's no fun wearing five layers from October to April," said Wen Qiulin, 32, an elementary school teacher.
It seems, however, that there is always a small corner in my mind that the light of happiness can't be shed upon-it is with regards to my elementary school teacher.
Relatives of McKinney elementary school teacher Anna Guirguis made their way to Houston on Wednesday to say goodbye to a woman they described as happy, caring and in love with life.
She thinks about becoming an elementary-school teacher or maybe going into international relations.
Wang Yujie, a physical-education teacher at the East Wind Elementary School in the township of Yanshan, says the lectures have helped her understand the Olympics better.
Danzeng Jiangcuo, a maths teacher at Yushu No.3 Elementary School, said students were receiving psychological care as well as their usual lessons.
For Goolsby Elementary School third grade teacher Lisette Garcia-Kohler sports is a way of life.
对古尔斯比小学三年级的老师LisetteGarcia - Kohler来说,体育是她生活的一部分。
His own inspiration to study planetary science came in part from an engaging elementary school science teacher and growing up under clear night skies in Vermont.
A teacher at an elementary school in Taipei often gets complaints from her students' parents.
Not that he could offer any legal help, Teacher Fei explained. He had been an art teacher in an elementary school before his retirement.
Martin Jesus Silvestre, a teacher at Puerto Morales Ayma's elementary school, says resistance from locals was fierce.
My neighbors don't wear watches, and I can hardly find a clock in the elementary school where I volunteer as an English teacher.
Marko is also a teacher with his own computer lab on the grounds of an elementary school where he teaches 8- to 11-year-olds the basics of computers.
Graduated from the Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, majored in Dance performances and Education, now is Elementary School Fitness teacher.
Graduated from the Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, majored in Dance performances and Education, now is Elementary School Fitness teacher.