The whole world has moved away from elite education in universities to meet the needs of mass education.
Such is not the case in societies where income, education, and opportunity are concentrated in a tiny elite.
Opening up its elite education system to minorities, is an especially critical step.
This is superficially puzzling. After all, by education, culture and habit, most judges are members of Britain's despised, mistrusted ruling elite. Yet their reputation has rarely been higher.
This augurs well for the Saudi elite, but one fancy new university will do little to lift the overall standard of Saudi education.
Shamefully, a large chunk of French and German spending on education is a form of tied aid that enables the children of the elite in poor countries to study at European universities.
Then there is a more sophisticated level that opens the doors to elite education and professions.
As the global market for business education grows more cut-throat, America's non-elite schools are in serious danger.
When the country was a Portuguese colony even the elite had little access to education at home.
Until recently, no one had tried to control for unobserved characteristics in measuring the effect of an elite education on earnings.
Feng Xin: You just mentioned "elite education". What kind of education is that?
Feng Xin: You just mentioned we have mass education, vocational education and elite education. Then, my question is: What exactly is the purpose of higher education?
In the 1990s, China began pouring money into research at around 100 of its 1,800-odd higher-education stitutions, hoping to create an elite tier of universities.
These activities form an important part of the elite education in British public schools.
Elite education bears the characteristics of meticulous selection of students, small scale of its enrollment, strict professional training, talents with high quality, etc.
Some top Chinese universities, which reiterate on developing elite education, have signaled a reduction in the size of their freshman classes despite easier access to college admission in general.
Mass education actually does not exclude elite education, but mass education can not be conducted in the same way as elite education.
The arts education in the stage of senior colleges and undergraduate has transferred from elite education, the goal set formerly for the purpose of training artist, to the general education.
Culture education sports system is for elite athletes and sports college training problems over the years.
With the expansion of colleges and universities, college education is transformed from elite education to mass education .
This paper analyses the serious unemployment in China and points out that the concept change from elite higher education to the popularized higher education is the key to the problem of unemployment.
Students receive a high-level education as a special people, the young elite of society, is the hope of the motherland.
The mass education and the elite education should be complemented and promote each other. The organic combination of them requires an urgent solution.
Besides, a difficulty is posed to the university as to the choice between elite education and mass education.
Besides, a difficulty is posed to the university as to the choice between elite education and mass education.