Soon my father appeared as elusive as a distant mirage.
This means the elusive A-list couple spends more than half a million dollars on childcare each year!
On FRIDAY afternoons, residents of Washington, DC, often find a clear route out of the city as elusive as a deal to cut the deficit.
The experts stressed, however, that the evidence of a link remains elusive and more research is needed to further explore the possible risk.
MANY of the most delightful pieces in the Tate show of art by Cy Twombly, an elusive American artist commonly described as a post-Abstract Expressionist, are among his least familiar works.
Even if these peripheral details are a bit elusive, they come back readily in hypnosis or when we relive the event imaginatively, as in psychodrama.
Unfortunately, it is in the nature of the archaeological evidence, which is almost invariable only a sample of what once existed, that such figures will always be elusive.
This elusive, almost invisible quality was more than a mere habit. Self-effacement was the essence of his technique.
Although the elusive "cure" may be a distant dream, understanding the true nature of cancer will enable it to be better controlled and less menacing.
Understandably, we were not exposed to inmates directly; instead, we had to peek through small openings and Windows to get a hint of their elusive presence.
In a given year, this elusive ideal might require more violinists, goalies, aspiring engineers or students who can pay the full cost of attendance.
Wildlife was also elusive: I spotted a water buffalo, a couple of goats, several egrets and kingfishers but not one - in the fabled Land of a Million Elephants - elephant.
My resume listed four positions in three years because I was always on the lookout for a better opportunity that would bring the ever-elusive job satisfaction.
Even today, while we've witnessed stupendous progress and the resolution of problems many thought beyond reach, a final assessment of string theory remains elusive.
Although the number of species on the planet might seem an obvious figure to know, a way to calculate it with confidence has been elusive.
I think there's a number of reasons that can help us explain this elusive phenomenon.
It is elusive to think that even a fraction of your business analysts will be able to master all these concepts.
Men like to pursue an elusive woman like a cake of wet soap — even men who hate baths.
However, a business model that can reliably convert the site's popularity into cash has proved elusive, she notes.
Peaceful contact proved elusive, but those encounters helped the agents stitch together a profile of a man with a calamitous past.
Sometimes the aesthetics of the image itself captivate. Sometimes the thrill is the magic of a dead-on fabulous technique for getting at elusive data.
For decades then, there has been a stalemate: two peoples with legitimate aspirations, each with a painful history that makes compromise elusive.
The search for a market that pays the highest price has historically been elusive .
Precisely because global warming is so, well, global, potentially touching just about every corner of the world and every aspect of our lives, encapsulating it in a single image has proven elusive.
Perhaps neuroscientists have finally cornered the elusive father-child bond, and found the biological hook that makes sure a father sticks around after birth.
To a woman, the quintessential male is unknowable, elusive.
To a woman, the quintessential male is unknowable, elusive.