Interest rate risk management for commercial Banks with embedded option is investigated based on the convexity gap model in this paper.
During periods of significant dislocation, when other investors are forced to liquidate positions, cash's embedded option becomes particularly valuable.
Taking the embedded option and compiling the resources you need directly into the assemblies that use them makes distribution more reliable and less error prone.
The new functions are enabled as embedded software options by the purchaser using option keys.
I've started the HSQLDB database in embedded mode using the memory-based database option.
The XML-encoded output of test results was also a handy feature for post-test analysis, as this option captured the embedded performance statistics in the IFX-encoded reply messages.
All feed data from internal as well as external data sources is cached. An embedded Derby database is provided as a default option to create the default repository for the mashup catalog.
In the list of features pane, make sure that you have unchecked the Embedded messaging option and all of its children.
The name and location of the stylesheet may be embedded in the XML document passing through the node, in which case the XML embedded Selection option can be used.
The embedded SQC program needs to be precompiled using the PREP command, which will create the bind file. This bind file needs to be bound with the OPTPROFILE option to the database, for example
One solution is to create an embedded view using the Show single category option (see figure 6) and to have the user choose a category to display from a list of categories to which he has access.
Another option, which we didn't use in our example, lets you use PrintWriter in the servlet to print the form embedded in the page.
If the embedded server option was selected during the installation, you have only the MQ Link option available.
Let's take a look at what Linux has to offer as an embedded system, and why it's the most attractive option currently available.
According to relevant theories of behavioral finance, from the perspective of both issuers and investors, designing and pricing of a structured product embedded barrier option are studied.
The first innovation and characteristic of this paper is that it introduces the theory of controlling embedded-option risk of the asset-liability management base on the option-adjusted duration.
Messages may, at the sender's option, include "attachments" or units of embedded information, which are termed "Documents".
Messages may, at the sender's option, include "attachments" or units of embedded information, which are termed "Documents".