The application is written using embedded SQL.
Here you have an XQUERY with an embedded SQL request.
This could be an issue with embedded SQL applications.
PostgreSQL comes with an Embedded SQL compiler, ecpg.
Ability to step into embedded SQL procedures for debugging.
In this article, I will be using RPG sub-procedures using embedded SQL.
Some of the main differences between embedded SQL and ODBC applications are.
Programmers familiar with mainframe SQL programming are used to embedded SQL.
To see how a code generator works, let's look at a short Embedded SQL program.
These procedures can be external stored procedures using embedded SQL or written entirely in SQL PL.
XQuery with embedded SQL can be useful for applications that need to integrate relational and XML data.
In embedded SQL, an indicator variable is set to -2 for the column or columns that cause the error.
在嵌入式SQL中,对于导致错误的列,指示符变量设置为- 2。
With Embedded SQL, the intricacies of database programming are masked by a sort of macro sub-language.
A call is issued to the RPG CLOSE_SQL_CURSOR sub-procedure which contains the embedded SQL CLOSE statement.
一个调用被发送到RPG close_sql_cursor子过程,该子过程包含嵌入的SQLclose语句。
Program test_reopt.sqc is written with embedded SQL and is pre-compiled and bound using default REOPT level.
程序 test_reopt.sqc是使用嵌入式SQL编写,并使用默认REOPT预编译和绑定的。
Applications can access the result set via any SQL interface that supports result sets (embedded SQL, JDBC, etc).
Under the endure research work of database academia and database industry, the embedded SQL language is designed.
A table- or field-name change would break an embedded SQL statement, and a URL change would break an embedded Ajax call.
表名或字段名的更改会破坏嵌入式的SQL语句,URL 的更改则会破坏嵌入式的Ajax调用。
Querying of data is also done at the level of entities and does not required string-embedded SQL queries, like many other frameworks.
The parsing process will convert the incoming V5 query spec and any potentially embedded SQL or MDX queries into a tree representation.
解析过程会将传入的V 5查询规范或任何潜在的嵌入式SQL或MDX查询转换成一个树表示。
In addition, the handler modules contain the prototyped calls to an RPG SQL service program which contains the embedded SQL sub-procedures.
另外,Handler程序模块包含一些原型化调用,它们调用一个包含嵌入式sql子过程的RPG SQL服务程序。
Adobe and Mozilla hope to accelerate the adoption of a standard language for creating engaging Web applications. Embedded SQL database.
For making this both easier and more standardized, Embedded SQL is a metaprogramming system used to easily combine database access with C.
要让这个过程变得又简单、又标准化,那么嵌入式SQL就是一个很好的元编程系统,可以在C 语言中简单地合并数据库访问的功能。
Its approach is to translate the deductive rules and the queries into embedded SQL programs that can be invoked when the queries are executed.
The embedded SQL statement casts the manager names in the unit table into an XML type (in this case into an XML string), and feeds them into the XQuery.
Regular relational indexes on the unitID columns of both tables as well as on the manager column in the unit table can help speed up the embedded SQL query.
两个表的unitID列上的常规关系索引以及unit 表的manager列上的常规关系索引有助于提高嵌入式SQL查询的速度。
For this article, I will be using a combination of fixed-list dynamic SQL and static embedded SQL (for the UPDATE statement) to create a format-based handler.
Increased development productivity as compared to JDBC, especially if an application is being ported from an existing embedded SQL architecture (c, COBOL, etc.)
Using the Embedded SQL though, makes the database access much more natural, intuitive, and error-free for the programmer than through the direct use of libraries.
Although db2-fn: sqlquery allows embedding an SQL statement inside XQuery, currently it is not possible to have regular SQL-style parameter markers in the embedded SQL statement.
尽管db 2 - fn:sqlquery允许在XQuery内嵌入sql语句,但目前还不能在嵌入式sql语句中使用参数标记。