Different from the embryonic stem cell we talked about before, it's an example of an adult stem cell.
This is the web page of Embryonic Stem Cell Laboratory.
He withdrew to the embryonic stem cell research ban on federal funding.
Researcher Rita Reijo Pera, of Stanford's Centre for Human Embryonic Stem Cell
Some researchers hope to use embryonic stem cell research to grow tissue and organs.
Today's announcement doesn't lift all restrictions on embryonic stem cell research.
The experiment helps fulfill one of the promises of embryonic stem cell research, Eggan said.
Embryonic stem cell (ESC) can differentiate into all tissue cells types in specific conditions.
Supports federal funding for embryonic stem cell research on embryos that would otherwise be discarded.
The study on human embryonic stem cell regeneration is one of the current hot issues of life science.
Human embryonic stem cell can repair damaged retinas and cure blindness, according to a British study.
It was receiving funding under a 2007 Bush executive order that funded non-embryonic stem cell research.
To investigate and utilize human embryonic stem cell, establishment of a perfect culture system is crucial.
Mr. Stoddart said he would be surprised if the judge’s ruling led to a complete ban on embryonic stem cell research.
And the availability of IPS cells neither obviates the need for embryonic stem cell research nor replaces human subjects.
The Institute of kidney Research and Development here has successfully transplanted kidney through embryonic stem cell.
For years, private financing has been used to create embryonic stem cell lines, mostly from discarded embryos from fertility clinics.
The stem cell research Enhancement Act, which amends the Public Health Service Act to provide for human embryonic stem cell research.
干细胞研究促进法案(Stem CellResearch EnhancementAct)该法案修正了公共保健服务法(Public HealthService Act)以向人类胚胎干细胞研究提供经费。
OBJECTIVE: To observe the dynamic expression of E-cadherin in embryonic stem cell differentiation and the effect on cell adhesion.
Advocates of embryonic stem cell research believe it could aid in the treatment of diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and spinal cord injuries.
The court ruled in favor of a suit filed in June by researchers who said human embryonic stem cell research involves the destruction of human embryos.
They can, however, generate "uniparental" embryonic stem cell lines. Uniparental embryos with two maternal sets of chromosomes are known as parthenogenetic.
Human embryonic stem cell research may lead to new biological insights that offer avenues for the development of promising new therapies for cancer patients.
In the is review, the author explore several studies and review the effects of different factors to the differentiation of embryonic stem cell to chondrocyte.
These embryos have been considered a potential source of embryonic stem cell derived tissues for transplantation into the female from which they were derived.
In fact, the scientists had mapped only a certain portion of the epigenomes of two cell types (an embryonic stem cell and another basic cell called a fibroblast).
The patent office just upheld a key embryonic stem cell patent, the latest turn in a long fight over some intellectual property that's central to the whole field.
The effect of feeder cell type, growth factors, and embryo developmental stage on establishment of sheep embryonic stem cell was also studied in present experiment.
Embryonic stem cell research is controversial because human embryos are destroyed in order to obtain the cells capable of developing into almost every tissue of the body.
Embryonic stem cell research is controversial because human embryos are destroyed in order to obtain the cells capable of developing into almost every tissue of the body.