In modern nuclear reactor designs, pumps aren't necessary to move water through the core in an emergency shut down.
New “passive safety” features can shut a reactor down in an emergency without the need for human intervention.
Other nuclear plants across the country have been shut down for emergency safety tests over the summer, usually the time of peak energy demand in Japan due to the heat and humidity.
The reactors are designed to shut down automatically when a quake strikes, and emergency diesel generators began the task of pumping water around the reactors to cool them down.
We're going to look at emergency shut-down systems. Initially we will talk about general systems and then move on to this plant's system.
The hardware components and software configuration for emergency shut-down control device in ion-exchange membrane caustic soda production are introduced, and the debugging modes are described.
Now, what are the causes of an emergency shut-down? They may be caused by excessive pressure, flow, temperature and vibration.
A state of emergency has been declared in South Dakota, Texas and Oklahoma, where the authorities have shut down highways.
A state of emergency has been declared in South Dakota, Texas and Oklahoma, where the authorities have shut down highways.