The lift then began to fall faster and faster until someone hit the emergency stop button.
Safety designed, using both hands to operate, with emergency stop button jog up down function.
Machine includes one safety edge and one emergency stop button to ensure the operator's safety.
Safety devices full safety cover for noise - suppression and dust - proofing. Emergency stop button.
Safety design, using both hands to operate, with emergency stop button and jog up and down function.
Safety designed, using both hands to operate, with emergency stop button and jog up and down function.
Safety designed, using both hands to operate, with emergency stop button and jog up and down function.
On two occasions I've seen people piling up at the bottom of an escalator and had to press the emergency stop button.
The machine includes one photoelectric safety protection device and one emergency stop button to ensure the operators' safety.
When ME in ahead slow condition, push emergency stop button respectively by E/S , in ECR and W/H, check the emergency stop and alarm.
Application: it's applied to break or contact fire fighting alarm system by remote control for electric circuit, it's also available for remote trip by pressing emergency stop button.
Two-channel operation: Redundancy in the input circuit. Earth faults in the Emergency Stop circuit and shorts across the emergency stop push button are also detected.
ZPB Remote Button Box use of far distance control start, stop, emergency stop and shut off fans & oil pumps of various kinds of electrical equipment and display working state by indicator.
ZPB Remote Button Box use of far distance control start, stop, emergency stop and shut off fans & oil pumps of various kinds of electrical equipment and display working state by indicator.