This is an emerging technology, so your input will be greatly appreciated.
Founded in May 2005, is a young and a vibrant emerging technology companies.
Emerging technology from a company called Sandia is making the reality that much closer.
Virtual reality technology is an emerging technology and widely used in many fields.
This emerging technology of DLP affords a good opportunity for developers and researchers.
Based on direct drive servo motor CNC bending machine technology is an emerging technology.
The Internet of things is a emerging technology combining RFID technology with the Internet.
Thousands of newspapers are positioned to embrace - not be destroyed by - emerging technology.
The application of vortex separation in rainstorm runoff pollutant control is an emerging technology.
He also spent eight years as an associate partner at Andersen Consulting in its emerging technology group.
Zhi Da Luo is a software engineer at IBM’s China Emerging Technology Institute, China Development Lab.
Yao Qi is a staff software engineer at IBM's China Emerging Technology Institute, China Development Lab.
This is part of IBM's emerging technology Toolkit (ETTK), which is a special collection of emerging techniques.
这是IBM的Emerging technologyToolkit (ETTK)的一部分,是一组特殊的新兴技术。
In the future, the emerging technology Service Data Objects should provide a more elegant solution to this problem.
以后,新兴技术服务数据对象 (Service Data Objects)将会针对该问题提供更好的解决方案。
Bitcoin is but the most famous example of an emerging technology network with the potential to improve banking.
Vulnerability scanning technology is an emerging technology, to solve it from another angle issue of network security.
Nonprofit organizations also supply grant money for emerging technology that enables the production and conservation of energy.
As an emerging technology, microreaction technology is becoming an increasingly hot spot in the global fine chemical industry.
This system can realize directional propagation of sound in the air, and it is an emerging technology with extensive applications.
System I customers can be excited about the number of applications and capabilities that this emerging technology brings to the business world.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is the emerging technology of the year 1998 after it was endorsed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
One beneficiary of this emerging technology is the leatherback sea turtle, which Marine biologists usually identify by conventional plastic tags.
Second, the study on the evaluation models, methods and application of the credit risk of the emerging technology enterprises has been done.
Evolutionary testing is an emerging technology for automatic test data generation, it has been successfully applied in engineering practice.
The conversion to plug-in, it said, "is meant to give a glimpse of an emerging technology, rather than present a viable alternative to a current car."
Using the stochastic analysis theory, the measurement models of the default probabilities of the emerging technology enterprises have been built up.
Increase developer productivity using enhanced support for standards, emerging technology and a choice of development frameworks that simplify programming models.
So just like Web 2.0 is an emerging technology, I'm not part of marketing and I'm not part of sales and I work with some real great super geeks, mostly developers.
正如Web 2.0是一项新兴技术,我所属的团队不属于市场部门也不属于销售部门,我的同事都是一些非常厉害的技术人员,大多数都是搞开发的。
Risk-based maintenance technology for boiler heating surface is a new emerging technology that evaluates the risk rank and optimizes the maintenance strategy.
Risk-based maintenance technology for boiler heating surface is a new emerging technology that evaluates the risk rank and optimizes the maintenance strategy.