A tax on upstream carbon sources is one easy way to put a price on carbon emissions, although some countries may wish to use other methods, such as emissions trading schemes.
Even India and China have adopted versions of carbon taxes or emissions trading.
EMISSIONS trading, says Ian Johnson of IDEAcarbon, a research firm, "is not an easy concept to understand".
Although it is not yet common in North America, emissions trading has been gaining popularity in parts of Europe.
The European emissions trading scheme, which will affect large European manufacturers from next January, is already starting to bite.
The emissions trading rules, which already apply to heavily-polluting industries such as energy companies, will apply to airlines from January 2012.
Two of them plan to auction all the permits, unlike the countries in the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme, which handed them out for nothing.
Many of the current focus are clustered in the emissions trading system, while ignoring the main body of emission rights on the protection of the rights.
Current carbon pricing schemes, such as the European emissions trading scheme, are a good start, but they leave out too many sectors, and permits are too cheap.
Delegates from nearly 200 nations gather in the Danish capital Copenhagen in December to try to agree on the shape of a post-2012 emissions trading system.
The European Union argues that one credit must equal one tonne of carbon dioxide for its Emissions Trading Scheme, the largest emissions market, to be effective.
The influence of the first kind of market authority, namely permitting price operation on emissions trading plan is discussed under the conditions of duopoly.
The European Union, through its emissions trading scheme, has tried to make power plants consider the costs of carbon, forcing them to buy "permits" for emissions.
Our new understanding of the rebound effect reinforces the case for price-based measures, such as carbon taxes and emissions trading, to control emissions directly.
Under the proposals, airlines would leave the EU emissions trading scheme, which they are due to join in 2012, and would buy carbon dioxide permits in a global market.
To achieve this, the commission will back fuel-efficient vehicles, expand emissions trading, and encourage the use of public transport and low-energy construction.
High gas costs and very low auction prices for carbon emissions within the European emissions Trading Scheme meant that generators chose to use dirty coal rather than gas.
Abstract: Emissions trading was introduced in our country has been 20 years of history, but in China in the implementation of the system, encountered a lot of obstacles.
Japan is the carbon emissions trading as a "vast opportunities in the 21st century in the world", by buying and selling of carbon emissions rights, had a huge economic income.
Walsh said the European Union should use its emissions trading scheme as a fore-runner for a global programme but not attempt to drag in non-EU airlines lest they take legal action.
The International Emissions Trading Association, an industry body, called for “know your customers” rules, a step in this direction, in a letter to the EU that was sent a year ago.
At EU level, this approach is embodied in the greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme (ETS), the 2003 directive on energy taxation and the recently revised Eurovignette directive on truck tolls.
Everyone blithely signed on to the EU's flagship emissions-trading scheme. But France and Germany then gave their industries so many permits to pollute that they undermined the entire scheme.
The bickering about emissions-trading will also focus attention on the expense of fighting global warming.
That said, demand for renewables elsewhere might increase, as Germany's extra use of fossil fuels pushed up the price of carbon in Europe's emissions-trading scheme.
That said, demand for renewables elsewhere might increase, as Germany's extra use of fossil fuels pushed up the price of carbon in Europe's emissions-trading scheme.