The whole POem is filled with Qu Yuan's rational and calm thought on heaven and the earth, nature and life, but we can still feel the poet's strong emotion expressed in it.
People have to look at photos of actors' eyes, and then guess what emotion is being expressed in each.
On Monday, the defendants said nothing and expressed little emotion as the verdicts and sentences were read.
Conclusion This study supports attribution theory of expressed emotion and doesn't support mutual action.
Don't know any other band that had made me cry like Sigur ros. Emotion, power and beauty - expressed through music.
Objective To explore family members' expressed emotion and psychological mechanism of patients with neurosis.
Similarly, appropriately timed and clearly expressed emotion is a central required for believable interactive virtual humans.
Result 170 persons were evaluated as high expressed emotion.
It is expressed through the psychological processes of intuition, association and imagination to become the compound of thought, emotion, image and language.
In the opposite contrast, the reality is hollowed, while the spirit is materialized, and the emotion itself is expressed as a visual image.
The negative expressed emotion(Over-protection) and positive expressed emotion (approval) were positively correlated to symptom relapse of anxiety disorder.
For example, how the emotion is expressed in the phonation and speech-speed of a speaker.
The premiere ceremony in main in the play expressed, sincere, pure emotion will make the TV viewers feel warm.
Due to differences in geography, history, culture and tradition, the emotion of fear is expressed by different conceptual metaphors.
This is the hair endocentric the emotion from him expressed, you had already engraved in his in the mind under a branding, regardless later how, have you forever in his life of a memory fragment.
Without concentrating on my tasks, I devoted all my attentions to dream of our sweet dates and expressed my emotion and love in "our Swap Diary".
In her book Hulan River, with rich emotion, she expressed her strong longing for a peaceful and happy life while depicting her real feeling toward miserable life.
But, by this time she trembled under such strong emotion, and her face expressed such deep anxiety, and, above all, such dread and terror, that Mr.
Most of Sushis ci which sing the praises of things expressed his mixed emotion depending on sundry things, thus reflected his complexed thoughts and contradictory world outlook.
The "May 4th" native literature was rich in emotion. It expressed the authors 'complex feelings-sympathy to the poor peasents, love to their homeland and indignation to the morbid souls of peasents.
His "Tales of Tai-he" drew its material from historical figures and events, which expressed his emotion and ideals.
His "Tales of Tai-he" drew its material from historical figures and events, which expressed his emotion and ideals.