Fourth, Emotional Exhaustion mediates Job Demands and Self-rated Health.
Results Emotional exhaustion was positive related with passive aggression, subconscious show.
Thirdly, emotional exhaustion acts as the mediator between the emotional labor and mental health.
The influential factors of emotional exhaustion were neuroticism, working pleasure and working load (P<0.01).
The Maslach Burnout Inventory, which screens for emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and lack of personal accomplishment.
《马氏职业倦怠量表》(Maslach Burnout Inventory),其考察情绪疲劳、人格解体和个人成就感缺失。
He said: "smiling for the sake of smiling can lead to emotional exhaustion and withdrawal, and that's bad for the organisation."
Emotional exhaustion is a specific stress-related reaction, and it is considered a key component of burnout (Maslach, 1982).
情感枯竭是一种特定的和压力有关的反应,被认为是愤怒的关键组分(Maslach, 1982)。
Jackson, Schwab, and Schuler (1986) suggested that emotional exhaustion is most relevant for work roles that are very involving.
The high supports from others may sharpen the positive effects of the work-family conflicts on emotional exhaustion and cynicism.
The adjusting role of teachers' professional self-concept is obvious in the emotional exhaustion and depersonalization of burnout.
Role conflict was a more powerful predictor to cynicism, and role ambiguity was a more powerful predictor to emotional exhaustion.
Emotional exhaustion is one of the most popular issues in the current fields of organizational behavior and management psychology.
Specifically, Jackson and colleagues (1986) indicated that emotional exhaustion presumes prior states of high arousal and activation.
The results indicated that job demands was significantly positively related to emotional exhaustion but negatively related to general health.
The results showed that:(1)The primary teachers' job burnout seemed as a high emotional exhaustion, low depersonality and high efficacy state.
Emotional exhaustion is the core content of job burnout, means ones emotional resources consumed excessively, fatigued extremely, vigor forfeited.
The result shows that: junior English teachers got higher emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment scores but depersonalization scores are lower.
The higher scores of emotional exhaustion and low sense of achievement for burnout, the lower scores of physical, psychological, and social domains for QOL.
Objective the aim of this study is to understand the emotional exhaustion of nurses in work? Analyze the reasons and seek solution to improve this situation.
The active coping style was negatively related to Emotional Exhaustion (EE) and Depersonalization (DP), but positively related to Personal Accomplishment (PA).
The findings demonstrated a significant impact of emotional exhaustion not only on other sequential dimensions of burnout but also on work attitudes, and behaviors.
Conclusion The perceived supervisory social support of nursing directors can decrease emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and increase personal accomplishment.
Conclusion the burnout of middle high school and primary school teachers is serious on the whole and some factors effect the score of emotional exhaustion significantly.
Type A personality and locus of control positively predicted emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, and locus of control negatively predicted personal accomplishment.
The police who take external locus of control express more emotional exhaustion and cynicism, but that of internal locus of control seems to have little effect on burnout.
Vocational sluggishness is a state of poor psychological adaptation which arises from emotional exhaustion, negative attitude, depressed behavior stemming from work pressure.
The combined effects of cultural and job stress make team members vulnerable to physical and emotional exhaustion. Some people refer to this as burnout. It can happen to anyone.
Except for interpersonal relationships, each source of working pressure predicts one of the three burnout dimensions respectively, of which emotional exhaustion was best predicted.
The study obtained conclusions as follows: Firstly, deep acting-one dimensionality of the emotional labor has negative relevance with emotional exhaustion and may forecast emotional exhaustion.
Mastery goal can negatively affect emotional exhaustion and cynicism, and positively affect personal accomplishment, but performance avoidance positively affect emotional exhaustion and cynicism.