In the very broadest sense, we said it's written to evoke, to make you, the audience, have some kind of the emotional experience through the use of imagery, some kind of predictable rhythm.
The nonverbal expressions of a person occupy about 90% of their emotional experience!
We may have racing thoughts and begin thinking in a way that exacerbates our emotional experience.
He is not speaking about the psychological and emotional experience that makes people feel bad sometimes.
He wanted names that would give customers' an emotional experience 'and appeal to their sense of adventure.
Phobia is the emotional experience where an organizm trys to get rid of and avoid a certain situation but in vain.
Most of us understand that when we judge someone, or someone judges us, it is a negative emotional experience.
Sun Lingling, 25, who landed a job in Shanghai two years ago, found homecoming a dreadful emotional experience.
In many of the emotional experience, my heart a long time can not be quiet, always been a kind of earth touched by emotion.
For Austin's parents, Renee and Bryan Cloyd, spending time with these young volunteers was an enjoyable yet emotional experience.
We talk about individual, family, and cultural values, feelings, and simple ways to validate their children's emotional experience.
'Women are trained to be more attentive to emotional experience than men, and more willing to share their feelings with other people.'
I don't think I've ever had such an intense emotional experience, and it left me feeling incredibly centred, positive and strong.
James Cameron went on the dives to the real Titanic himself, and found it an overwhelming emotional experience to actually see it.
Justin Vernon is more interested in listeners having an emotional experience from his music than understanding meaning of the words.
The translator's emotional experience centers on his imagination with his mind unoccupied as the prerequisite and empathy as the purpose.
And the reason for that, I think, was people's perception of the movie as an emotional experience they wanted to share with other people.
While we sleep, dreams compare new emotional experience to old memories, creating plaid-like patterns of old images laid on top of new ones.
Even without judgment or reaction, by simply being aware of your physical, mental and emotional experience throughout your meditation, you have changed.
The author considers that structure is a language system bestowed by novel writers, which internally embodies personal emotional experience of writers.
If we can in the emotional experience of this, naturally not to an injured person and then stabbed a knife, but more will choose tolerance and compromise.
We tend to imitate behavior back to them in an exaggerated way, which is exactly what babies need, and it helps them learn about their own emotional experience.
Everyone has a past, the past is about to bring us the experience and emotional experience, as well as one of the past hidden warmth and life force hungry.
Individual daily life experience and game-liked emotional experience have absolute meaning and value, but the social mainstream value has seemed unimportant.
Individual daily life experience and game-liked emotional experience have absolute meaning and value, but the social mainstream value has seemed unimportant.