Idealizing Needs: Children need to feel attached to an emotionally stable caregiver who can soothe and calm them.
For many people, the idea that a conscientious and emotionally stable personality would make an effective worker seems obvious.
Most people tend to become more agreeable, more responsible, more emotionally stable — in other words, their personalities improve.
Antarctic and space studies have found that successful leaders typically perform a dual function of divvying up work and trying to ensure the crew remain emotionally stable.
Personality: Adhere to principles; Firmness in ensuring quality; Thrive under pressure; Conscientious; emotionally stable; Honest & trustworthy; Proactive in pushing quality improvement initiatives.
Not only will the child be emotionally harmed, Barnardo's says, there is evidence that it damages their ability to form stable relationships.
Yet the perfect age gap for an ideal partnership still consists of the groom being older than the bride which must work due to the husband being more emotionally and financially stable.
Yet the perfect age gap for an ideal partnership still consists of the groom being older than the bride which must work due to the husband being more emotionally and financially stable.