We directed this question through a studio call to Chen Yu, who is the vice-chairman of the China Association for Employment Promotion.
Because our country has plenty of labor and our government USES employment promotion policy, so the price of labor in our country is very low.
Employment Promotion Law stipulates that the employing units to hire female workers, shall not be limited in the labor contract for female workers content.
How has China's job market changed over the years? We called Chen Yu from our studio. He is the vice-chairman of the China Association for Employment Promotion.
The conclusion suggests the current employment promotion policies have positive effects on promoting employment, instead of encouraging the indolence of laborers.
With promulgation and implementation of Employment Promotion Act, it rouses further consideration on how to protect fair employment of all groups in theory circle.
For society, it should help establish and strengthen college students' employment promotion societies and career consultants associations and bring their role into full play.
For 30 years, employers have been hiring graduates for their degrees rather than their abilities; employment, pay and often even promotion have depended on one's diploma.
It also focuses our attention on the promotion of women's equal access to full employment and decent work.
Obviously, there is prejudice against women in employment. So girl graduates find more trouble getting a job in the society, not to mention their promotion in careers.
The internal labor market has a series of characteristics different with external labor market, which are long-term employment, the delayed payment and interior promotion.
In the promotion of scientific and technological progress, promote employment, expand exports, and played a not to be ignored and irreplaceable role.
General mortgage is a special kind of mortgage which is important in the promotion of finance and full employment of property and the protection of credits.
It has some features such as long-term employment, internal promotion, back-loading compensation, which also has applicability in Chinese enterprises.
Therefore, it should not only be studied as a policy for the promotion of employment, but should be comprehensive considered and in-depth analyzed in the long-term point of view.
The fifth part of the paper analysizes the correlation betweeen the difficult employment of the college graduates and talent reserves, pointing out that the two are complementary and mutual promotion;
On one hand, the promotion of economic growth on employment is decreasing, especially the apparent tendency that the capital-intensive secondary industry repels labor force out.
There are over 5,000 companies worldwide using TOEIC scores as a criterion for employment, promotion and training.
There are over 5,000 companies worldwide using TOEIC scores as a criterion for employment, promotion and training.