We've been tracking employment status and how engaged people are in their jobs.
It could be the type of childcare or changes in their parents' employment status.
These days, no matter what our official employment status, we are all temporary workers.
To be able to borrow a guaranteed unsecured loan, all you need to do is prove your employment status.
The graduates' employment rate is a direct quantitative reflection of graduates' employment status of a university.
Considering your current employment status, how would you describe your expected future income in the next 5 years?
So, it is necessary to discussion the influence of employment status on mental disorders such as depression in china.
This article analyse 1990s' Guangzhou employment status, and forecasted the employment posture in the future 15 years.
According to the study, a woman's employment status has no effect on the likelihood that her husband will opt to leave the marriage.
This study analyses the impact of employment status on depression based on longitudinal community sample study in North-western china.
On the basis of the analysis of Chinese employment status in21 century, the author puts forward an essential argument for solving this problem.
Then there is the employment status and migrant workers and the reasons of these problems, deep analysis on and put forward corresponding solutions;
In this paper, so the purpose of the company's employment status of the system are introduced and analyzed to find out which of the existing problems.
The pursuance of aesthetic appreciation of employment status is a long-term dynamic process, requiring efforts made and duties borne by the society and individuals.
There is ample evidence that social factors, including education, employment status, income level, gender and ethnicity have a marked influence on how healthy a person is.
The women's educational level can be involved into certain factors like birth idea, family structure, first marriage age, employment status to influence the fertility rate.
They often publish a range of information about those seeking loans (credit history, employment status, income), so that the investors stumping up the money know what they are getting into.
Based on the analysis of the current employment status of graduates, this paper discussed underlying reasons for graduates employment problems from the perspective of institutional economics.
Better management of water resources increased crop yields, reversed desertification, and improved social status and employment opportunities for women.
In a cut-throat employment market, the civil service has become one of the most popular professions for university students because it offers a stable income, social status and good welfare.
Selection for employment based on HIV status is unacceptable - and is already illegal in many countries.
The Services PMI interviews German executives on the status of sales, employment, and their outlook.
Here's how it works: Users are first asked general questions about their age, employment, and relationship status.
While education levels within the country have increased in recent years, positive HIV status could threaten a person's social standing or employment if their status is made public.
While education levels within the country have increased in recent years, positive HIV status could threaten a person's social standing or employment if their status is made public.