Generally speaking, it is the empty understanding which haunts these empty forms: and the business of philosophy in the matter is to show how null and meaningless they are.
Another problem with the use of forms containing multiple data-input fields is that display space is rapidly consumed by the empty input fields.
After dark, he roams empty streets, looking for sleeping forms in empty public Spaces.
The empty-nest syndrome is real, but there is good news for this and all forms of loss and grief.
When I’m feeling empty and void of ideas, I find that simply creating abstract forms with a pen somehow breaks something loose inside me.
VBA procedure that was achieved in an empty template forms WORD Lane Enter data, Let Word to print, the results were, and that is very slow.
This article aims to study his prose, probe into his empty experience and thus generated consciousness of life and life forms.
The relationship between typographic text blocks and its surrounding empty space is deciphered as Lee organizes an aesthetic dialogue between the three organic forms;
The relationship between typographic text blocks and its surrounding empty space is deciphered as Lee organizes an aesthetic dialogue between the three organic forms;