Another game is played at the end of meetings, called reaching a false consensus.
Though there was only a slim chance to win the game, all of the team members chose to stick to the end.
Cave art seems to have reached a peak toward the end of the Upper Paleolithic period, when the herds of game were decreasing.
From what I have looked at dealing with game theory, I can't say I understand much of the statistics end.
Sometimes he loses balls he shouldn't lose but when you look at the end of the game he has always had a big impact.
It's not the end of the game, but it's where you strike the critical blow to the enemy by attacking the central command center.
Consider the end game: For those who want to foster change, going out in fury can have the opposite effect.
For my part I apologise for any offence caused by my actions at the end of the game.
In Libya the end game has to be a negotiated settlement.
Life has a tendency to surround us with so much 'stuff' that we often forget the end game, or the goal we're striving for.
The end game is that they've got very low energy. People assume CEOs are superhuman but they're grappling with a really hard job.
the coach rotates his players frequently near the end of the game. ;
教练在比赛即将结束时频 繁的轮换球员.
As such, in the end, the game doesn't exactly promote selfishness or selflessness - but a 'reasonable' mix of the duo?
As mentioned in the last article, content retrieval and management is the end game in all of this, so item retrieval will probably take center stage in the connector development process.
Games, sports game near the end of training.
First, figure out what your content will be, as content retrieval and management is the end game in all of this.
Games on console devices, like PC games, often use socket-based communications to connect to the back-end game infrastructure.
Is this the end-game for large vendors that have lived by squeezing more revenue from existing customers?
Samsung wasn't the first to the high-end Android handset game, but its initial effort was a huge hit.
At this point the company has to decide how to bring the product's life to an end-what is the best end-game that it can play?
A site, like a horse that is not frequently groomed, surely will face the same end game.
If your Value Stream Map reveals long test "cycles" in the end game, it's very likely that you are guaranteeing wastefulness.
When people are borrowing such large amount at such high rates, one must wonder what the end-game is.
To be sure, it will take time for this "end-game", as Ms Rice-Jones puts it, to play out.
He’ll also be less likely to blow it on high-end video game systems when the rent is due.
The game platform is the end-user access device to the game, also technically known as the client side.
游戏平台就是最终用户用来访问游戏的设备,在技术上也称为 客户端(client side)。
Likewise, in the end-game, you may want a very small sanity regression suite that covers media install, but not in-depth or end-to-end tests.
The basic idea is a good one, although if the end-game is to generate an additional revenue stream for bloggers, I think BlogBurst is taking a better approach.
Amongst other things we will explore your key frustrations, an industry analysis, your competitive positioning and most importantly the "end game" i. e. the overall objective of your business.
Amongst other things we will explore your key frustrations, an industry analysis, your competitive positioning and most importantly the "end game" i. e. the overall objective of your business.