I can remember neither the beginning nor the end, but whenever I think of it, tears run down my face.
At the end of the semester, you might run a script that deletes and cleans up all the class WPARs.
You have already learned how to run your scripts at the end of instrumented program run.
To me, a walk or run along the river trail is serenity at the end of a hectic day.
If some SDK applications exist, one could make them run on specific hosts outside of the end user realm.
They brought me here to help with the run-in to the end of the season - and today I have done that well.
Any regression type defects can be spotted early and with a minimal amount of testing as compared to running a single, long regression run at the end of the cycle.
Scripts designated as user initiated are not run automatically at the end of deployment.
The end result is a database representing the complete coverage of all tests run against that particular product driver.
To help debugging, at the end of a program run, all the known variables and their current contents are printed.
You can download the materials needed to run this exercise at the end of the article.
The time is recorded for each individual operation and averaged at the end of the test run.
I didn't discover until the end of my run that my car key (yes, the expensive one with the unlock/lock buttons) had fallen out.
There are no run-time checks that prevent writing past the end of a buffer, so a programmer has to perform the check in his or her own code, or run into problems down the road.
Focus on thinking simultaneously at different levels of abstraction.Closer to the applied end of computer science, algorithms are expected to run on real systems.
Now, we check the SLA database at the end of a test run to determine the number of transactions conducted.
Attackers can deliberately craft their input so that it escapes out of quoting, and chain an arbitrary query on the end of the one you had intended to run.
I started by just trying to run a mile - and by the end of the year, I could run more than 20 miles.
The hapless developer of this monstrosity came up with the clever idea of only locking things when they are actually about to be used, but deferring unlocking until the end of a run.
Additionally, you can see that the cost per user spiked at the tail end of this run before the server failed, indicating that the server was starting to come under stress even before its failure.
When an executing thread expires its time quantum, it's placed at the end of the run-queue for its priority and assigned a new time quantum.
At the very least, Mr. Obama could have used the possibility of a legal end run to strengthen his bargaining position.
The Personal Profile is built on top of the Foundation Profile to run on high-end PDAs.
个人概要文件构建在基础概要文件之上,以便在高端PD A上运行。
Whenyou're tired at the end of your run, it's common to slump over alittle, which can lead to neck, shoulder, and lower-back pain.
To that end, you should avoid using big words, steer clear of run-on sentences, and avoid any unclear phrasing.
The custom code in SAMPLE_VAR2 will sequentially go through the defined array during the test run, restarting when at the end of the values.
The amnesty on fines and overdue items would run until the end of June to allow library users to return outstanding books, magazines, DVDs or other materials and have their fines waived.
Two more delegations will fly to the U.S. by the end of this year, the spokesman told state-run media.
Two more delegations will fly to the U.S. by the end of this year, the spokesman told state-run media.