A newshound may start out just to get a good story, but it is not impossible, all the same, for him to end as a man.
If we look forward to the end of the term, we'll read The Human Stain, which is about a man, Coleman Silk, who tries to and succeeds in passing as Jewish.
A 111-year-old Japanese engineer born at the end of the century before last was awarded official recognition Monday as the world's newest oldest man, and joked he was sorry for still being alive.
I have not, as Kant enjoined, regarded each man as an end in himself, but as material that might be useful to me as a writer.
As a young man, he lived through the local slump that accompanied the end of the Apollo program in 1975.
"Historically wine has had a good run, but there is a feeling it is getting near the end of the bubble," said one City trader. "Every man and his dog seems to be cropping up as a wine broker."
Filippo then issued a challenge, saying that the commission to build the dome should be given to the man who could make an egg stand on end, as that man would have the skills required for the job.
It's been 145 years since Abraham Lincoln appeared on a ballot, but admiration for the man who saved the union and sparked the end of slavery is as strong as ever, according to a new survey.
But, as Mr Ferguson concludes at the end of this fine biography, if ever there was a time to learn from the "true high financier" that was Warburg the man, it is surely now.
His home was now with a man who regarded money as the chief end and aim of his life, and severe and constant Labour as the only means of obtaining that end.
However, Brown has emerged as a stellar man-on-man defender, helping to disguise his limitations on the offensive end.
' She then proceeded to point out a man working on the roof and said: 'if you don't listen, you will end up as that guy.
On one of our last car trips, near the end of my father's life as a man, we stopped by a river, and we took a walk to its Banks, where we sat in the shade of an old oak tree.
His skin was white as that of a dead man, and his hair seemed to stand on end.
As a man of sin banished to this earthly world, I have to go to the great length to find the way home, and return to the paradise at the other end of the umbilical cord.
Every day I see variations at both the beginning and end of life: a young man abandoned by friends as he struggles with opioid addiction;
In the end, you have to choose whether you're going to live as a soldier, or just another man with a gun.
If a man must do things which you don't like, the best way is to do as soon as possible, and then the end.
Man and in general, every rational being exists as an end in himself and not merely as a means to be arbitrarily used by this or that will. .
In order for a man to 'fulfill his mandate to heaven' he needs to produce a son, and women have always been used as a means to an end in propagating the name of the father.
Around the end of the first century AD , a Roman writer called Pliny wrote about a terrible volcanic eruption that he had witnessed as a young man.
In the end, the boy comes back to the tree one final time as an old man, and USES the tree's stump (the short part that's left after a tree is cut down) to sit, making the tree happy.
After a while, the husband gets irritated by the ticking of the stick of the blind man as he taps it on the sidewalk, and says to him, "Why don't you put a piece of rubber at the end of your stick?"
After a while, the husband gets irritated by the ticking of the stick of the blind man as he taps it on the sidewalk, and says to him, "Why don't you put a piece of rubber at the end of your stick?"