The treaty provides that, by the end of the century, the United States must have removed its bases.
Most polar bears could disappear by the end of the century because of global warming, scientists say.
A report from IPCC, the UN's climate science body, showed that if global temperatures rise more than 1.5℃ by the end of the century, poor countries will likely face very serious challenges, including the disappearance of whole communities and millions of early deaths.
We have hope to quadruple the total industrial and agricultural output by the end of the century, which is a lofty aim.
They say it could be reached by an unmanned spaceship before the end of the century in time for people alive today to see it.
By the end of the century, if not sooner, the world's oceans will be bluer and greener thanks to a warming climate, according to a new study.
It is entirely possible to achieve the goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural production by the end of the century.
By the end of the century, there was an immense network of paved roads, residential streets, expressways, and freeways built to support millions of vehicles.
This exploitation has reached such extremes that presently it appears that some hundreds of thousands of species will be extinguished before the end of the century.
Venetian shipping had started to decline from about 1530—before the entry into the Mediterranean of large volumes of Dutch and British shipping—and was clearly outclassed by the end of the century.
The effects of climate change will be even more severe by the end of the century.
By the end of the century, the average global temperature will be 3.5 degree Celsius above normal.
More tend to believe that it's written toward the end of the century, when Nero had already been dead.
Without efforts to limit emissions, the United States could warm 7 to 11 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century.
By the end of the century, printed cards began to replace written letters due to improvements inprinting technology.
Not long ago, newspapers and magazines reported that, by the end of the century, redheads, of whom I am one, will be extinct. Gone.
India's agricultural output for example, is predicted to diminished by 30 percent by the end of the century due to changing rain patterns.
Without a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, the report says, heat-related deaths in Chicago will rise tenfold by the end of the century.
The book, which argues that most of humanity could be wiped out by the end of the century if Earth’s temperatures continue to warm, galvanized her.
Until recently, many scientists thought it might take until the end of the century for the North Pole to become completely ice-free during the summer.
On current trends, says Mr Djurdjev, Vojvodina will be 90% Serb by the end of the century. The remaining 10% will consist largely of Hungarians and Roma.
The world’s population is likely to reach 10.1 billion people by the end of the century up from 7 billion this year. It will reach 9.3 billion along the way–probably in 2050.
We should also recognize that we already have a huge challenge ahead of us because we're going to be feeding about 50 percent more people toward the end of the century, or more.
Towards the end of the century, however, doubts were raised about the savannah theory, after closer examination of the fossilised flora and fauna linked with early hominid fossils.
If today's generation fails to act to reduce the carbon emissions that cause global warming, climate models suggest temperatures could rise as much as 11f by the end of the century.
If today's generation fails to act to reduce the carbon emissions that cause global warming, climate models suggest temperatures could rise as much as 11f by the end of the century.