No complex query language has to be learned or special-purpose user interfaces developed for the end-user to make use of this functionality.
The language includes the notion of batch program, which can be generated to run without end user interaction, for example, to produce reports or to batch database or files loads and updates.
So when the user changes the language, it can automatically be retrieved from the cache, without doing a remote call to the back end.
WebSphere Translation Server provides a cost-effective way to cater to a global audience using the language of the end user.
For example if a back-end system generates an error in one language (say English) but I need to display it to the user in another language such as Cantonese.
We need a means to first define the language that the user will be using and then use that definition to parse the user's entries and formulate the correct query to whatever back-end database we have.
This installation mode allows the end user to select the language to be installed.
For example, an end user working with an English UI can change the language of the UI to Spanish.
Based on ontology services, this thesis proposed an approach to enable end-user to input their knowledge discovery requirements using natural language.
In fact, you can make your resume more attractive and user-friendly, be sure to put an end to those rigid, eight children and chaotic official language.
In fact, you can make your resume more attractive and user-friendly, be sure to put an end to those rigid, eight children and chaotic official language.