"Sleep problems endanger health and quality of life for up to 45% of the world's population," according to the World Sleep Society.
Importantly, this material will not emit any toxic gases that could cause interior air pollution or endanger health.
Therefore, the real taste smoke cigarette smokers would not endanger health electronic health, also won't endanger the health of those around.
The glossy is a classic mix of style and beauty tips, but Ebba refuses to run articles about dieting or fads that might endanger women's health.
The act, they note, says the EPA should regulate any air pollutant that "may reasonably be interpreted to endanger public health or welfare".
The three machines in service—only one of which appears to have been seriously damaged in the quake—contain partly burned fuel that could harm the environment and endanger public health.
Disrupted roadways and railways that can endanger motorists and disrupt transport and access to health care.
Workers are entitled to criticize, expose to the authorities or bring a lawsuit against the employer if the employer's work conditions may endanger their life safety and health.
Oil spills devastate the natural environment, endanger public health, imperil drinking water and disrupt the economy.
Workers have the right to criticize, report and complain against ACTS that endanger life, safety or health in violation of the labor protection laws and regulations.
The workers shall have the right to criticize, inform against and accuse ACTS that endanger people's lives and health.
Any manned mission to other planets, such as Mars, could endanger astronauts' health if the risks of exposure are not fully known.
It may, for example, endanger a relationship with a client, cause a legal problem or put people's health or safety at risk.
Whoever illegally collects and supplies or produces and supplies blood products that do not meet state - stipulated standards, and enough to endanger human health.
The World Health Organization has listed indoor air pollution as one of five environment factors that badly endanger the public health.
Thee materials used to construct machinery or products used or created during its use must not endanger persons' safety or health.
Cardiovascular disease is one of the dangerous diseases that seriously endanger the human health, while Electrocardiogram (ECG) is an effective method used in clinic to detect cardiovascular disease.
Polluting soil, water source and air, these pollutants endanger the crop production and the health of human and animal, and even result in serious pollution of animal-husbandry products.
When a disease goes unchecked, it can endanger the health of millions around the world.
Some bad living habits will endanger people's health.
A female employee on maternity leave shall not be permitted to engage in remunerative work or in any activity likely to endanger her health.
Excessive Exposure to UV rays endanger people's health.
Residents continue to improve the health care system, a group of people of endanger the health of infectious diseases were controlled or eliminated, health services and support capability is improved.
Influenza on the elderly over the age of 60 constitute the greatest harm to the health, you can endanger the lives of the elderly.
Polluting soil, water source and air, these pollutants endanger the crop production and the health of human and animal, and even result in serious poll...
Polluting soil, water source and air, these pollutants endanger the crop production and the health of human and animal, and even result in serious poll...