Some of Britain's most endangered wildlife, from red squirrels to native crayfish, are vanishing from the countryside at an alarming rate, a report warns.
Opinion polls show that 94 percent of Canadians support laws to protect endangered wildlife.
The 160m long reef is also home to rare and endangered wildlife including whales, sea turtles and birds.
Friends of Africa is ready to work with ISZS and other zoologists and zoological organizations in pursuit of saving our endangered wildlife.
Avoid building in environmentally sensitive locations, such as wetlands, flood zones, hurricane-prone areas and endangered wildlife habitats.
Some of Britain's most endangered wildlife - from red squirrels to native crayfish - are vanishing from the countryside at an alarming rate, a report warns.
Against wildlife Trafficking aims to reduce the demand for endangered wildlife and wildlife parts and to prosecute the poaching and supply of this wildlife.
The Coalition Against wildlife Trafficking aims to reduce the demand for endangered wildlife and wildlife parts and to prosecute the poaching and supply of this wildlife.
Taya: The Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking aims to reduce the demand for endangered wildlife and wildlife parts and to prosecute the poaching and supply of this wildlife.
For those struggling to prevent the importation of pests or endangered wildlife, rapid and accurate identification tools are essential-particularly when perishable goods are being held up.
Environmental Defense, which launched the anti-DDT campaign in the 1960s, now endorses the indoor use of DDT for malaria control, as does the Sierra Club and the Endangered Wildlife Trust.
Symbolizing the Asia Society's mission to enhance connections between the East and West, and to safeguard an endangered wildlife habitat, the bridge zigzags through the jungle, linking old and new.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service expects to make a decision on whether to list the walrus in the Endangered Species Act in January.
According to the World Wildlife Fund, the global black rhino population has dropped as low as 5500, giving the rhinos a "critically endangered" status.
Or adopt an endangered species through the World Wildlife Fund, and you’ll get a lovable stuffed pet and adoption certificate.
Or adopt an endangered species through the World Wildlife Fund, and you'll get a lovable stuffed pet and adoption certificate.
They are ranked as critically endangered by international wildlife conventions.
Paula Kahumbu brims with energy and passion for preserving threatened wildlife and habitats. She's also discovered another frequently endangered species: conservationists themselves.
The world's third largest "hot" desert, the Gobi is home to some of Earth's largest dunes, as well as unique wildlife like the endangered Gobi bear.
The information is especially important as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service decides whether the species needs protection under the Endangered Species Act.
Seeing the endangered tiger is a highlight of a wildlife and culture safari with Wildland Adventures.
Federal wildlife officials this week announced that they will study the elusive rabbit to determine if it needs to be protected under the endangered species act.
At the meeting, TCM experts and wildlife scientists made similar cases against the captive breeding of musk deer as well as freshwater turtles, two other endangered species widely used in TCM.
Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife.
The reckless expansion of human beings in the recent centuries has invaded the territories of wildlife, rendering many animals homeless and endangered.
The reckless expansion of human beings in the recent centuries has invaded the territories of wildlife, rendering many animals homeless and endangered.