Then the vast endless space and time, can belong to all of life, does not belong to a particular object, for example, girls.
Space exploration is not an endless circling of Earth; it is going to other worlds.
As video goes online, a world of restricted choice and limited advertising space turns into one where both are available in almost endless quantities.
The endlessness of the universe is that of the space, and the existence of such endlessness assert pressure beyond our wildest dreams. Why it is endless?
Journey to the West "colorful story to the" Dream West has provided endless extension of space.
As I looked to my other side, I could see nothing but open space of darkness and endless water.
If anything, the interior is even more impressive than the exterior, with an almost endless sense of space thanks to the massive naves.
This does not only achieve the demand of "live together, yet apart", but also make the interior space an endless one.
Because it has constructed the distance of space-time, imaginable distance and emotional distance, the poem shows endless lingering charm and remote philosophic meaning.
Under the design ideology "endless creation only for customization", the Company devotes to provide clients with the most comfortable space for displaying.
Man in a coir raincoat traveling in time and space is like Ta-mo, who crossed a river by driving a reed over it, integrating endless Buddhist allegory with emptiness and indistinctness.
Luo Haiming and Qiu Shiming set a closed space base on the information of an obsolete photo studio to show a farmer's endless labor;
骆海铭和裘世明 以一座废弃的照相馆留存的资料为蓝本,在封闭的空间里演绎了一位农夫无始无终的劳作;
An emphasis on human resource development, performance management attention to the organization, there will be an endless stream of fresh blood injected, can profit organization into the new space.
In the beginning, the planet upon which we live was (as far as we now know) a large ball of flaming matter, a tiny cloud of smoke in the endless ocean of space.
In the beginning, the planet upon which we live was (as far as we now know) a large ball of flaming matter, a tiny cloud of smoke in the endless ocean of space.