Cosmology is about energy, as biology is about evolution, and Hawking demands that philosophy reflect this crazed restlessness.
Unlike Plato and astrological cosmology, in the modern cosmological model, universe has no soul and spirit but the dark matter and dark energy.
Wolfram's early scientific work was mainly in high-energy physics, quantum field theory, and cosmology, and included several now-classic results.
A new version was clearly long overdue, so much having happened in the 30 years since the last revision, especially in the fields of cosmology and high energy nuclear physics.
The new ideas of modern cosmology are analysed using Physics. the relationship of cosmos. matter and energy are studied from the view of science and philosophy.
The nature of dark energy and dark matter are two of the great questions facing cosmology and particle physics.
The nature of dark energy and dark matter are two of the great questions facing cosmology and particle physics.