Many more promote ethanol, or renewables, or energy-efficient buildings.
Vigorously develop energy-efficient buildings has become a consensus.
The key to aesthetic, comfortable and energy-efficient buildings is found in the interaction between architecture and technology.
Only by these, can we improve the level of energy-efficient buildings and the target of which-non-pollution and zero energy consumption-will be achieved.
Building standards will be upgraded and strictly enforced to encourage the development of better wall materials and construction of energy-efficient buildings.
B Corp offers a certification process for socially and environmentally minded companies, much like certifications for organic produce and energy-efficient buildings.
Green buildings like this aren't necessarily cost-efficient for the investor, but it does produce much less pollution than that caused by energy production through fossil fuels.
High Towers, a company that occupies several office buildings, is considering installing new energy efficient lightbulbs in its buildings.
They have consciously brought down their energy use through more efficient street lighting and buildings and being energy efficient in the utilities they run.
But there are some easy things the Mediterranean countries could help each other do: retrofitting buildings to save energy, and creating more efficient grids, for example.
Designs are often used only once, most buildings are not energy-efficient, the industry produces a lot of waste, and many materials are simply thrown away.
We’ll save taxpayers $2 billion a year by making 75% of federal buildings more energy efficient, and save the average working family $350 on their energy bills by weatherizing 2.5 million homes.
我们将使75%的联邦建筑更加有效利用能源而为纳税人每年节省20亿美元; 我们会增强250万家庭的房屋的越冬御寒性能,而使每个工薪阶层的家庭平均每年在能源费用上节省350美元。
The folks in Pennsylvania have decided to focus on designing buildings that save more energy – everything from more efficient lighting and windows to heating and cooling.
We will provide incentives to businesses and consumers to save energy and make buildings more efficient.
The Netherlands boasts advanced technologies and sophisticated managerial expertise in energy development, energy efficient buildings and recycling of resources.
In 2010 tax incentives, subsidies, credit guarantees and spending programmes will begin to be showered on everything from hybrid cars to fitting buildings with energy-efficient LED lighting.
We will research on and develop energy consumption limits for large public buildings and launch the initiatives of energy-efficient higher education institutions and hotels.
Like other green buildings, it will rely on natural light and ventilation, and energy-efficient lighting.
The constructing units shall strictly attain the standard of the economic design of buildings and adopt the new building materials and energy efficient products.
Doe also doing demonstration projects on energy efficient buildings wind power solar power and geothermal heat pump technology.
And we will put Americans to work making our homes and buildings more efficient so that we can save billions of dollars on our energy bills.
The introduction of selected reference projects shows energy-efficient concepts for new buildings as well as for refurbishments.
He has also designed a similar structure - called Council House Two - which has become one of Melbourne's most energy efficient buildings, using the sun and the wind for heat and cooling.
He has also designed a similar structure - called Council House Two - which has become one of Melbourne's most energy efficient buildings, using the sun and the wind for heat and cooling.