It focuses the router's energy in one direction - toward the other end of the house - rather than letting it dissipate its strength in a full circle.
Metals such as aluminum can also form foams -- and because of their greater rigidity, they could, in theory, dissipate as much energy as a polymer foam in a much thinner layer.
If the Element is not able to dissipate heat energy equally in all directions, it may cause local overheating and possible failure.
Inflation is expected to rise to 2 percent over the medium term as the transitory effects of past declines in energy and import prices dissipate and the labor market strengthens further.
Technology of energy dissipation is relatively new, which can help building to efficiently dissipate seismic energy and to reduce seismic response.
Objective:Influence of dissipate phlegm, invigorate vital energy, promoting blood flow treatment to restenosis related gene of rabbit angiostegnosis model was studied.
Under seismic ground shaking, the ability of the connection to dissipate energy will depend on the connection's capability to withstand low cycle fatigue.
A cage, or a steel enclosure surrounding a seismic source, can be used to dissipate energy and reduce the bubble effect.
New open type breakwater - Based on the concept of wave energy conversion, a new kind of open type breakwater is proposed, which can absorb and utilize the wave energy to dissipate waves.
In order to construct cost-effective building structures in regions of high seismic risk, building structures must be able to absorb and dissipate large amount of energy during a severe earthquake.
Second, under the rare case of earthquake, at first coupling beam arrive into the plastic point and dissipate the earthquake input energy to insure the security of the main structure of wall.
The air brake is operably coupled to the gear train and configured to dissipate a portion of the mechanical energy released by the clock spring.
The Fusheng hydropower station adopts the underflow stilling basin to dissipate the energy.
The Fusheng hydropower station adopts the underflow stilling basin to dissipate the energy.