They will speed up energy production.
To what extent are Americans really willing to endure the environmental impacts of domestic energy production in order to cut back imports?
Green buildings like this aren't necessarily cost-efficient for the investor, but it does produce much less pollution than that caused by energy production through fossil fuels.
Even at rest, the brain is costly to run, consuming 20% of the body's energy production.
If other forms of energy production caused no damage, these impacts would weigh more heavily.
But so can geothermal energy production and other parts of the oil and gas production process.
It helps to support energy production, healthy skin, lean muscle, liver function and other body functions.
According to Ridoutt, food and energy production account for nearly 90 percent of the world's fresh water consumption.
Last month Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma blamed the American burying beetle for hampering energy production in his state.
上月,俄克拉荷马的詹姆斯·英霍夫参议员(James Inhofe)埋怨一些美国人用埋甲虫的方法来阻碍该州的能源生产。
While currently less than 0.04% of global energy production comes from solar panels, the popularity of solar energy is increasing.
For so many reasons, we can't afford to kill responsible domestic energy production or clobber every American consumer with higher prices.
Israel doesn't produce oil and gas or hydroelectric power, but it does have one asset that could potentially be vital for energy production.
The "Silver State" scores well in alternative energy production, with the second-highest production of solar photovoltaic and geothermal energy.
Food crops such as corn and sugarcane have been tapped as major sources of energy production around the world, especially for distilling ethanol.
The University of North Carolina, Charlotte houses the Energy Production and Infrastructure Centre, which trains engineers to work in the energy industry.
在位于夏洛特市的北卡罗来纳大学,能源生产与基础设施中心(Energy Production and Infrastructure Centre)正源源不断为能源行业培训工程技术人员。
Turkey faces increasing domestic energy demand and rapidly growing greenhouse gas emissions, a large portion of which come from energy production and usage.
The "Living Tower" design seen here is complete with solar panels, a rainwater purification system, and two large wind turbines on top for energy production.
Plotted on a graph, the history of clean-energy production in the United States resembles the blade of a saw, rising and falling each time subsidies came and went.
"My research aims to come close to achieving the energy production that plants can obtain when converting sun to sugars in their green leaves," explains Prof. Nelson.
"The number of mitochondria decreases in skeletal muscle as we age, and this affects us physically in terms of both muscle energy production and endurance," said Dr Malek.
What Turkey now faces is an increase in domestic energy demand and rapidly growing greenhouse gas emissions, a large portion of which come from energy production and usage.
Nevertheless, to the extent that conventional sources of energy production are declining, the high marginal cost of new sources of energy will slowly drive up the average cost.
Nevertheless, to the extent that conventional sources of energy production are declining, the high marginal cost of new sources of energy will slowly drive up the average cost.