The shear-lag effect on the prestressed RPC simply-supported box girder is studied by FEA method and energy variation method.
Data calculated by this method is exact, which show that the method is suit to the calculation of energy variation and critical radii.
By method of chain iteration, the amount of energy saving can be calculated with single variation of any one of four main factors.
The new method is calculated simply, the extended curve and surface is more fairing, and have less energy and more smooth curvature variation.
The first one is the artificial method in adjusting to the time step, which can be realized by controling the variation of operator energy in equation artificially.
The Lamb modes in the AU signals were analyzed using time-frequency method, and the energy variation of Lamb modes was correlated to the adhesive bond strength with good correlation.
Based on energy-variational method, the interface slippage of composite beams and the variation of the effective width are analyzed.
Theoretical studies of curved girders mainly adopted the methods of balanced method, energy method and variation-based method of virtual work (displacement).
The testing method and the hardware and the software of the proposed interpolating system according to the variation of spectra energy are expatiated.
The testing method and the hardware and the software of the proposed interpolating system according to the variation of spectra energy are expatiated.