Ted came up behind him, enfolding him in his arms.
Ahead of us gleamed a radiance, enfolding every wish life could conjure, enfolding life itself.
Warm to her hands and bare feet, secure and enfolding , redolent with aromas of spring and summer.
Well, here is one for you, enfolding same concept of coziness but with a tincture of modernity in it.
Here, the outside world seems to vanish behind enfolding mountains, quarantined away by river, still water, and wetland.
The decision for evacuation was made in the planetary council, after enfolding the likelyness of happenings and the risk included.
Its proper use is among huddled comrades, gathered in a sacramental hush in park or field, on the beach, in the wilderness, or the enfolding darkness of an urban den.
I wish you a happy mother's day: water goo goo, cover the quilt, watching television, music, enfolding her tummy, watching SMS, thought that I was happy, always happy!
It's almost noon, enfolding her son of man shouted hungry belly, just on the apron prepared food, but of a woman may buy back ribs to eat, he said to wait, you mama buy ribs.
It's almost noon, enfolding her son of man shouted hungry belly, just on the apron prepared food, but of a woman may buy back ribs to eat, he said to wait, you mama buy ribs.