Therefore, in order to engage for welding quality, the high degree of accuracy real-time detection becomes more and more important.
A gamification strategy that is not sufficiently thought through or well tailored to its players may engage people for a little while, but it will not motivate people in the long term.
Robots capable of social engagement help with loneliness as well as cognitive functioning, but the robot itself doesn't have to engage directly—it can serve as an intermediary for human communication.
The OWF is an ideal supplementary resource for learners to engage in word-building activities during topic-based lessons.
They're documenting why teaching is such a fruitful way to learn and designing innovative ways for young people to engage in instruction.
Companies, marketers and teachers have long looked for fun ways to engage people's reward-seeking or competitive spirits.
I desire to engage in exercise and I value exercise extrinsically, not for its own sake, but as a means to something beyond it.
It is probably more productive—for the time being, at least—to engage at the lower and midlevels.
But then I remind myself that we all engage in socially irresponsible behavior that others pay for.
I have seen volunteers at Daoist temples provide food for the poor or engage in disaster relief.
Sometimes it's healthy to fool around and engage in recreation for the sole purpose of having fun.
So we welcome further opportunities to engage this way, for example in trilateral dialogues with Japan and China, and with Japan and India.
Listen for your children to talk about it casually, and see this as an opening for you to engage in conversation.
All of which were conditions from the Quartet for the international community to engage with Hamas.
And because of Steve Jobs and Apple who have provided me the opportunity to engage in truly meaningful work every day for over 12 years.
For that reason, it's a good idea to engage in what the consultants call "kaizen" - a Japanese word for continuous improvement.
And after she had the dog for several months, it started to engage in a strange behavior.
It will be a chance for China to engage directly with the world, both on the sports field and on the streets of Beijing.
Stop being a commodity and start creating meaning behind what your brand stands for, and engage, first and foremost, your most valuable assets - your employees!
It takes a lot of effort for me to engage you in conversation, and it's upsetting when someone is rude and shuts me down because I'm just not good enough.
We will continue to engage strategically in partnerships for health, strengthening relationships with civil society and the private sector, and creating greater alignment between partnerships.
Land is one of the most productive resources in the world, because it opens up opportunities for women to engage in other activities.
The advent of social networks provides an effective mechanism for product managers to engage with customers without crisscrossing the globe.
We'll enact what's called the Volcker Rule to make sure Banks protected by a safety net like the FDIC can't engage in risky trades for their own profit.
Most strikingly, J Street has outspokenly called for Israel and its American friends to engage with Hamas.
The G77 negotiators continued to engage in negotiations, hoping for these to be part of the final agreed outcome.
The G77 negotiators continued to engage in negotiations, hoping for these to be part of the final agreed outcome.