There are three dozen universities in the UK which are actively engaged in advanced research training and commercialization work.
To do research on the information network security technology and standard and develop the relevant security products and to be engaged in the security service work.
Those chemists who are engaged in the research of both pure and applied chemistry, or who both work in chemical research and are in charge of chemical business are defined as "amphibious chemists".
The scientist started to smell a rat when the visitor, who claimed to be a tourist, began to ask some very specific questions about the research work he was engaged in.
The outcome of this research work is of great practical value for the kindergarten teachers and also is a reference for the educational workers engaged in theoretical study.
My father was originally engaged in social science research, while my mother is the chief accountant of an enterprise. What they have in common is their attitude towards work, careful and precise.
Suppose, for example, that you are engaged in research in scientific medicine. The work is difficult and is likely to absorb the whole of your intellectual energy.
I think, perhaps the next in the field of global health a major breakthrough at this point in time on the origin of the Chinese are engaged in research work.
The company has one batch to be engaged in the anti-radar work many year professionals, devotes the anti-radar product research and development, the production, sells a body's service.
Author involved in the entire process of the project, mainly engaged in the research needs, architecture design work.
The double, internal medicine department deputy chief physician, graduated from Hubei Medical College, in the top three hospitals engaged in clinical and research work for more than thirty years.
Juse as the report, I was recruited into the research institute engaged in project management work.
Du has been engaged in environmental planning and management of teaching and research work, and has more than 120 academic papers published on the topic.
Graduated from the third Military medical University, engaged in dermatology, medical cosmetic clinic, science research and teaching work over 15 years, and got rich experience.
Our company, established in Nov. 2000, is engaged in the research and work in the expression and creation of architecture.
Our company, established in Nov. 2000, is engaged in the research and work in the expression and creation of architecture.