If you have not received an engagement letter, this statement will be our contract with you.
When we got married, she had given me an Engagement Letter and I had said how cute-how sweet.
Apart from sending me the engagement letter once again she says I can't get rid of her just like that.
It was in his letter home announcing his engagement that Hung-chien had praised his wife for being submissive.
Find a similar letter you have sent in the past, or see the Appendix to this article for sample engagement, cover, demand, contract negotiation, contract advice, and fax letters.
This letter is to confirm our understanding of the terms and objectives of our engagement and the nature and limitations of the services we will provide.
We have pleasure in enclosing herewith the mentioned letter of credit This documentary credit is advised without any engagement or responsibility on our part.
Further to our letter of … we now offer you without engagement, our various items as follows.
续我方… 月…日函,现报不具约束力的各种货物价格如下。
Find a similar letter you have sent in the past, or see the Appendix to this article for sample engagement, cover, demand, contract negotiation, contract advice, and fax letters.
您可以在以前起草的信函中寻找类似的范本,也可以参考一下此文附录中所列的范本(包括预约书,说明书,正式请求书,合同谈判备忘录, 合同意见书及传真函等)。
Find a similar letter you have sent in the past, or see the Appendix to this article for sample engagement, cover, demand, contract negotiation, contract advice, and fax letters.
您可以在以前起草的信函中寻找类似的范本,也可以参考一下此文附录中所列的范本(包括预约书,说明书,正式请求书,合同谈判备忘录, 合同意见书及传真函等)。