I'm an engine-driver, as you well may see, and there's no denying it's terribly dirty work.
The guard waved his welcome flag, the engine-driver whistled in cheerful response, and the train moved out of the station.
At the conductor's whistle the engine-driver starts his locomotive-engine.
There came a moment when the engine-driver put his head out of the window and looked back.
By this time the moon was shining brightly, and the engine-driver, steadying himself on the coal, could command a view of the line behind them for a long distance.
As soon as the driver puts the car in gear and touches the gas pedal, the engine starts back up.
In his application, Selden described a machine with a gasoline-driven, combustion-type engine that sat in front of the driver.
The embedded JDBC driver transfers data to and from the database engine without the need for network communication.
You can’t always get rid of a headache, but you can close the windows if the driver of a truck is outside revving his engine.
Line 12 is the critical piece that loads both the embedded engine and its JDBC driver into memory.
By this time the moon was shining brightly, and the engine - driver, steadying himself on the coal, could command a view of the line behind them for a long distance.
This is to provide the driver with the familiar sensations he would expect from a petrol engine.
The Derby database engine and JDBC driver are contained in a single jar file, derby.jar.
Derby数据库引擎和JDBC驱动程序被包含在一个jar文件中,这个文件就是 derby.jar。
With Derby the engine starts automatically when the Server loads the JDBC driver.
With a cough of blue smoke the diesel engine fired up and the driver wasted no time in crunching it into gear and thrusting it out amongst the blaring horns of midday London traffic.
As a result, besides its range-extending function, the petrol engine can improve the car's performance by delivering extra electricity whenever the driver flips on the vehicle's sport mode.
To set the vehicle in motion, the driver climbs aboard, takes hold of the steering bar and connects the engine to the bicycle.
Again it seemed as though there was no driver present, but we could hear the dull roar of an engine left running.
The stop/start-enginenotifications could switch the engine off and on automatically, or they couldtrigger alerts to the driver to turn it off/on manually.
Not only was there a problem with the engine of car number 8, but also one with the gearbox, which negatively conditioned the race of the Spanish driver as of the formation lap.
The driver turns off the engine and exits the car to retrieve my suitcase from the trunk.
In his application Selden described a machine with a gasoline-driven, combustion-type engine that sat in front of the driver; a clutch; a foot brake; a drive shaft; and front-wheel drive.
Derby.jar — a 10.2.x snapshot version of the Derby database engine and embedded JDBC driver that provides XML capabilities.
jar——一个10.2 . x快照版本的Derby数据库引擎和提供XML功能的嵌入式JDBC驱动程序。
Controls the engine fuel mixture level. This allows the driver to balance fuel economy with performance depending on the current race situation.
Controls the engine fuel mixture level. This allows the driver to balance fuel economy with performance depending on the current race situation.